Raining opps today...

My, it's raining opps at the PPP, today...LOL. I am really excited because I got to grab 3 for almost each of my blogs. Nice eh. I certainly enjoyed my time posting, though, I am always busy, but hey, I am working now. It's my real job you know, aside from being a mother and homemaker. I blog for my sideline job. What a tough life, but it is better for all I have to do is type and share my opinions and thoughts. How convenient, time is all I need and a baby sitter, too, if possible. I could use some help around the house.

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theblogger said...

Hi ana! Just wanna ask if we can really grab 3 opps? Coz I heard that we are only allowed 2 this time per blog. or does it depend ba sa ranking? pls help coz am just starting and I wanna grab more if I can. would they war me if I can no longer grab an opp this day? thansk a lot sis!

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