Ahahah...I didn't take some time to think about what the instructions of Blogitive's test campaign mean and posted about it here anyway. I then found out it was indeed just a test. See, I went online to see what it was about and well, I saw someone posting about it, so I thought why not me, too. But, of course, a day or so later my post got rejected because I wasn't supposed to write about it...ahay, how embarrassing. Darn, I have got to try to understand the instructions next time. I don't often stop and try to see what things mean, no wonder I got in trouble with the PPP. I'll try to do better and understand things as well as I can comprehend. This is difficult sometimes even when I have been here long enough to know. Well, I should know right?
We didn't make it to Chicago...
We took off yesterday morning heading for Chicago, but we didn't make it due to my husband's vehicle problem. It was disappointing, but I guess I should be thankful for nothing bad happened to us or that we didn't get into an accident, especially when we have children. I just find it frustrating when we have an old car that gives us endless trouble and constantly costing us money. Well, my husband seems to go for the old vehicles because they are cheaper and he doesn't have to be buried in debt, but boy, what a difficult way to live. We struggle and I wish we can get a new car soon. Maybe I'll work towards that after I take care of everything I have been planning to accomplish. Okay, until here for now. Have a good day!!!
Ladies I became friends online...
1. JennyL.: She is one of the first online buddies I got to know; we shared some stories, and gave advice to each other. Talk about our love life and life in general. We called each other for some time before we both got really busy in our hectic lives. And oh, she is creative with making scrapbooks, I like her work. She makes neat graphics as well.
2. Cherry Rose: She used to give me cute graphics especially during my birthdays. How nice of her, I appreciate the kind gesture. She also introduced me to paid blogging way back when I still had my old http://www.analoups.blogspot.com/ blog. But since I didn't have a pay pal account and my husband didn't want take chances, I didn't get to join, and was skeptical for a while. I owe her for the referral, really. She gives the heads up.
3. Rissa: I used to visit her website and got to know a little about her through it, and her journal. We visited each other's journals, and well, we are still in touch, also made a neat scrap for our baby, which was cute and how nice of her. I admire her scrapbooking skills. She loves her children and takes good care of them very well. They are all healthy and cute. I can see that she is a good mother. Note to her, thanks for passing this tag on to me. Thanks!
4.Kitty: She is polite and always visits her friends' blogs and leave her kind comments which we all appreciate about her. She is thoughtful and always there for everyone she cares about. She gave us all gifs, took her time to give and make everyone feel special. What a nice friend she is.
5.Vicky: She is a very generous and kind person. Always willing to give and help when she can, spreading act of kindness. To me, she shows that she is a good person and that she is a friend who will be there in times of need. She is a reliable and fun friend to be around.
Nobody is the least, they are all wonderful, and individuals I got know online that has shown me they care. I have known them for years now, so that makes them top everybody else. I appreciate them for they are sticking around, and still keep in touch with me all this time. We may not often get to see each other or visit each other's blogs, but like the saying goes, "Your friends are like stars, they may not always appear and light up the sky shining upon you, but you just know they are there. Okay, this is all, if you like this tag; you are welcome to do so. Just help yourself.
Banner Stand...
A banner stand is a great way to advertise a product and promotion which at the same time bring in a lot of interested customers. It can be used for store displays, trade shows, product demonstrations, lectures and many other displays like for information purposes. Now, if you need a banner stand, you may visit the website for it and see how you can get one. Worldwide delivery is available. So, find out more about it by calling 888-880-4843, visit http://www.bigposters.com/, or email: specials@bigposters.com. Every business requires a banner stand as it helps with promoting or advertising a product, whether on sale or not. It is an effective way of marketing a product.
The best nights of my life ever...
Rule: Name five of the Best Nights of your Life and then tag four people.
The best nights of my life so far are the following:
1. When I spent talking with my parents, brothers, and sisters about our dreams and goals in life while laying on a bench star-gazing. It was fun, and I enjoyed it.
2. The night my family and I back home move in to our newly built house, boy it felt good, relaxing and just cozy.
3. The night I received a letter from my future husband...LOL, I was overjoyed and was in a good mood thinking that I was doing something extra ordinary at my age when not too many girls were doing in our hometown.
4. The night my husband and I met, I was just thankful that I met someone that could give me a better chance in life than possible at home.
5. Last but not least, well, what can I say, it has to be nights since I have two adorable daughters, when I got to hold them in my arms in bed. The joy of being a mother and having the little ones so precious and sweet to have in my arms,
Now, I am tagging my Sis. Nora, JennyL., Rissa, CherryRose, Dauph.
Garage heaters...
It won't be long and well, the winter is coming. And my, doesn't it get really cold. Anyway, my husband wishes he has a heater in the garage because he usually has to go out to the garage and start our car when we have to go somewhere; shop and all. Now, he might want to look in to a website I found that has garage heaters available for purchase. It really helps to have a heater in the garage, so that way, we don't have to shiver so much from freezing ourselves while shoveling the snow off our drive way and yard. Anyway, for those who needs a heater, particularly for a garage, come and see about the website for heaters. I am sure; you need one during the harsh winter.
Another ban for me...
I was surprised to see that I received a ban, again. My, what luck I am having. It feels unfair. However, it is better if an advertiser decides to ban somebody they don't care for taking their opps. I agree there, only I wish there is a second chance, as to give a postie a chance to revise a post or make changes to correct the post. I think a ban is not necessary if there is another way to work things out. Anyway, it is up to the ppp people though, they are the boss. I am just glad I am still blogging...LOL. I will always be thankful that there is a way for me to earn extra money somehow. I am lucky enough to be managing in spite that I am not highly educated to say I can do a lot. Thank goodness for all the monetary opportunities I have the privilege to. I am grateful and happy enough to be able to supplement my extra expenses while at this time, I can only be at home. It is helpful that I am making some money to make our lives a little bit better than before. More power to all the money maker sites and advertisers...I love them all.
Indoor and Outdoor Cooling Products...
During the hot Summer time, people seek out for all the cooling products they can find available in store or companies that has them available for purchase. That is what we do, my husband has indoor fans, but I don't think they work very well for keeping some part of our house cool enough. Having fans to cool down the unbearable temperatures can save a lot of money rather than using a central air or air conditioning. Anyway, my husband usually needs some for our pets that stays in our back porch which is actually a Florida room that gets really uncomfortable when it is really hot outside. So, he would use a fan to cool the temperature down, and so we can also hang out in our back porch. Now, I found a company that has a website that sounds like a good one where we can get outdoor fans. We can even use one in our garage where we also like to go when it is evening or night, because it is nice outside. By the way, if you also need the kind of fans that I saw on the website that has indoor and outdoor fans, just visit the website I have provided here. You will find a lot of fans for you to choose from for your cooling needs.
My birthday is special...
I was tagged by JenL. with this fun activity, so, thanks a bunch Jen! I thought this is easy enough, so I am posting it right away since I don't have a lot of updates. Okay, this is all for now. Have a good day to all. We will be out today; it is our outing day...LOL. I'll blog lateh when I get back. Okay, now, see yah!
What do I need to do?
1. Go to Wikipedia and type in your birthday (month and day).
2. Write down three events, 2 births, 1 holiday and tag 5 friends.
3. There are five slots in the Birthday Meme. As you are tagged, you have to remove the name in the first slot and bump everyone up so that your name can be added to the bottom.
I was born on October the 24th, now it is indeed special...
Three Events
*1929 - "Black Thursday" stock market crash on the New York Stock Exchange.
*1945 - Founding of the United Nations .
*1995 - A total solar eclipse is visible from Iran, India, Thailand, and SE Asia.
Two Births
*1855 - James S. Sherman, Vice President of the United States.
*1972 - Scott Peterson, American murderer.
One Holiday
*United Nations Day
5 people I tag:
*Sis. Nora, Kit C. Rissa M., Jenny R., Dauphine S.
Ahahah...I share birthday with Scott Peterson...LOL.
We love the beach cruiser bikes...
I used to have a beach cruiser bike but when we moved and left it at our family member's house, it was the end of it. When I wanted it back it was gone, somebody stole it I guess. Anyway, my husband and I went to the beach just the other week looking around and found out the beach is huge that we each needed some beach cruiser bikes than we can use to be able to get around. The beach is so large that we couldn't make it just walking, so we rode the little train instead. But it would be much nicer to have a beach cruiser bikes to enable us to get to where we exactly want and stop and go whenever we want. Plus, having a bike to ride on, it gets our heart pumping to which we need since we are not as active as we should, so in the process we would get our exercise through bike riding especially if we are at the beach doing so. As for those looking for beach cruiser bicycles, you would be interested to know that you can purchase them at such reasonable prices or at a low price of $88.00 USD. Now, that is not a lot, so come and take a look and make your purchase. Enjoy cruising at the beach. I know we would since we live close enough to the beach here, we live in Michigan and there are so many beautiful beaches for us to explore here.
Our Hannah is getting around fast...
Our little one is cruising along now, she gets around so fast even though she has a leg problem. Apparently, her leg is not a hindrance to her. No sire, nothing can hinder our baby girl. She is very strong, but she is average weight. I think being on the floor as she likes to always be free crawling trying to stand up and take a step, is helping her gain strength. It is a good exercise for her, only she can't gain a lot of weight-it's a fat burner. So, oh, well, as long as she is healthy, she should be fine. Anyway, I am just making a little update about what's new. Good day!
Save time by using portable document scanner...
The technology is ever changing and growing each time. Now, would you believe it, all the people have to do is have their business cards, medical cards, insurance cards, and other cards that holds their information, scan. That is certainly something new that I have ever come across so far. It is the easiest way to process information because once the information card is scan, all the information will be recorded, and stored electronically for future use or reference. The scanner works automatically, so one would not have any trouble at all. It saves people time and money as I read. So, if you are reading this and want to see how it works and to find out more about such innovative way to store your information for your one time records, come by and look in to it. You simply couldn't help to get the portable document scanner when you need one, especially if you always have to be on the go, busy and living a hectic life.
I need to go to bed early...
I think I am causing my own demise by staying up too late and not getting enough sleep is affecting my health. I have a headache right now that's been bothering me ever since I woke up this morning. Oh, I have got to take charge of my life and turn it around the right way. I need to go to bed early and sleep for as long as I can.
Sometimes though I have trouble sleeping and I don't know why. In fact, at one occasion I had to take sleeping pills. I mean I couldn't sleep well everyday, so I tried taking sleeping pills. However, it didn't seem to help, because I still couldn't sleep right away. So, maybe it is the inactivity that is causing me to get sick like I am. My, I better change my ways.
Explore the beauty of Austria...
I heard Austria is a beautiful place and you know, if ever I can travel the world someday, I would love to stop by there for a leisure time. I know a few people living in the surrounding countries, and that makes it another place for me to want to explore. There are a lot of things that relates to medieval time-like music from that era. I read that such country is one of the most impressive destinations in the world. And well, for those who are planning to take a trip somewhere in Europe, you might want to check about the Hotels in Austria for your accommodation if you happen to be dropping by there.
Also, when it comes to the capital city of Austria which is Viena, sure, there are lots of hotels, but see about these hotels in Salzburg. Don’t miss out on such deals, you might get a last minute deal or all year long travel deal with accommodation included.
Am I really a brainy girl?...
I had some time to take a quiz tonight, so I thought I would take one of the interesting quizzes available online for blogs, just like the one below. You are welcome to try it if you like. It tells how smart you are if you are willing to accept the result. As for me, I think it tells more than enough, so I am happy with the result. It sounds good to me...LOL. Alright, I think I need to get off of here now. It's time for my shut-eye. Come by often and leave me a note. Muah...!
You are a Brainy Girl! |
![]() Whether you're an official student or a casual learner, you enjoy hitting the books. You know a little bit about everything, and you're always dying to know more. For a guy to win your heart, he's got to share some of your intellectual interests. A awesome book collection of his own doesn't hurt either! |
Memories of my last year in high school...
By the way, this post is not about my 4th year high school memories because I wasn't able to finish high school; I made it to only 3rd year high school-11th grade. So here, let me share a little about it instead.
What section were you?
* Well, at first I was in the section B. because all the curriculum wasn’t sorted out yet, then shortly after, I heard that I was supposed to be in the section A. so I was transferred along with a few others.
Who was your adviser?
* Mrs. Dina Dalunos.
How many were you in one class?
* I can't tell because I didn't count us all, but as a guess I'd say under 30.
Who was/were your seat mates?
* It was a boy named Roger who can hardly utter a word to me...LOL-so shy.
Still remember your English teacher?
* I went to two different schools, but I can only remember my old home teacher Miss. Susan Yunting.
What was your first class?
* English in Bayawan College and Social Studies in Kalumboyan, I believe.
Who was your best friend?
* I don't think I had any, really, though there was one particular girl, but, of course, she was simply a friend to me.
Who did you like?
* I didn't care for a lot of my classmates, just those who never teased me and doubted me for doing well in school.
Made friends to the lower years?
* I never got to.
Had a boyfriend/girlfriend?
* Yes, Angela Garde-my part time girl friend...LOL. Never had a boyfriend-I was too young to consider such.
How was your class schedule?
* It was okay, though I was almost always late-all day go in at 7:30 AM-class starts, 12:00 noon lunch time, 1:00 class starts and ends at 5:30 PM-we get off.
Made any enemies?
*Not really but maybe two, actually just in the Elementary I had quite a few of them.
Who was your favorite teacher?
* Mr. Carias, our Science Teacher, he was nice, and always complemented me for being an active student in class.
What sports did you play?
* Badminton and Volleyball.
Did you buy your lunch?
*No, I either came home for lunch or brought some.
Were you a party animal?
*No, I wasn't wild, though, I am capable.
Were you well known in your school?
*I am not sure, but maybe for being a Chinese looking girl I was, everyone called me Intsik meaning Chinita, including my teachers-I stood out I guess for my very different features...LOL.
*Maybe once or twice but can't exactly remember, because what would have prompted me to do?
Did you get suspended/expelled?
*No, never, not in my book while I was in school.
Can you sing the alma mater?
*I don't even know what that is, but probably not.
What was your favorite subject?
* Science, because I always scored higher on that subject.
Did you go to the dances?
*Yes, but not because I wanted to dance, just for my curiosity, and on a couple of occasions I went with my Aunt-accompanied her, helped her sell some snacks and drinks, etc.
If you could go back in time and do it all over, would you?
*Perhaps, yes, since I like high school, plus, that is when I had the time of my life for the most part.
What do you remember most about 4th year?
* I found out that as the year got higher, the lessons became more complicated, and had so many hard work for me to deal with.
Favorite memory in 4th year?
* I had fun mingling with my classmates, though I was always teased by the boys, I enjoyed my time.
Worst memory in 4th year?
*When no one with the senior boys, during prom night wanted to be my partner...LOL. Boy that was embarrassing. And well, I wound up being the partner of somebody that no girls wanted to be their partner either. That is when I realized that, I didn't belong in the crowd-they were all too ignorant and cruel for me. I was too ugly...LOL.
Where did you go most often for break?
*Up the hill where there was a gazebo, and on school ground, grassy yard and enjoy talking or chit-chatting with my classmates.
What did you do on the last day of school?
* Getting my clearance taken care of, finding those who needed to sign it-what a hassle.
How was your graduation?
* I have no answer to that; I never got to find out.
Got any honors or special awards?
* No, because I was not chosen to have awards, furthermore, I was only on the top five lists in class, and not up against the whole curriculum. I had too many absent days to be counted for an award anyway.
Did you like 4th year?
*I like my 3rd year just fine-it was fun enough.
What year did you graduate?
*I would have graduated during the year 1998-1999.
Who posted this before you did?
*Butchbabe-she is a new comer to the blog world, anyway, thanks to her for passing this tag on to me, I always enjoy doing a tag
I am tagging everyone that likes to do this, just help yourself!!!
Mailing lists for effective marketing...
In the business world today, it is so important to have a mailing list for an effective way to market a product. Well, I found a website that offers such innovative service. It is reliable for those looking to be more successful in the business industry. When it comes to marketing and promoting products, having a good and efficient mailing list is the way to go. So, for those interested in having such service, come and see about this Mailing Lists that you can rely upon to improve your business marketing. It is by the Martin Worldwide mailing lists provider, offering customized mailing lists, telemarketing lists and fax lists to prospective clients. Now, wouldn't you want to look in to it, and see if your can improve the way you market your products?
Having a boring day...
It is so boring today; we are just at home house cleaning and not doing a lot of things. So, I find it quite boring, yes, we are having a boring day. Hmmm...Maybe I can convince my husband to take us somewhere today, like to the fruit and vegetable store to get some fresh fruits. I don't feel very motivated, so I need to eat a lot of fresh food, I mean fruits. I need to get my energy going; I am out of gas...LOL. Okay, till here for now. My head is spinning, it reminds me of some cartoon characters after something hit them in the head their eyes rolls and faint.
All that my hands say about me...
I am it; I got tagged by my sister Nora on what my hands say about me. So, I took the quiz. It was so easy and quick, so I would post it right away, because it only had a few questions for me to answer. Now...whalah...I found out all that my hands say about me. Well, I have long fingers and long palms; by all means I have big hands. Yes, I do, I completely took after my father on that one, as he's got big hands with long fingers. It's too bad that is all I took after him in terms of physical; I wish I have his height. I am way too short compare to how tall he is and my other sisters. I definitely took after my mother's height. She is petite and cute. Anyway, it says I am intelligent, that is kinda nice to know, and I hope so...LOL. Okay, until here for now, I am hearing thunder growling in my belly; it must be asking if my "tinolang isda" is cooked yet...LOL. I am eating inun-onan-that is in our dialect, I don't know what it is called in Tagalog. Sorry. I am cooking fish with green long string beans.
What Your Hands Say About You |
![]() You are logical, analytical, and rational. You have good verbal skills. Idealistic and dreamy, you tend toward the impractical. You have a knack for getting yourself in sticky situations. Brainy and intelligent, you are intellectual to the point of being incomprehensible. Your emotions tend to be well though out. You're willing to wait out a bad situation, and you're never too quick to act. |
We need nutritional supplement...
Don't my husband and I need something to make us feel energetic. Well, especially me, I feel like I have deteriorated as if I am aging so fast before my time. Really, I don't ever look as youthful like I should at my age. I tried a nutritional supplement before that would help my hair and skin, yet I never noticed any changes in me. And just today, I visited a website that has the kind of products I would be interested to try. It is a Mindell Plus nutritional supplement that can help enhance my appearance in means of slowing down the process of aging and can even help make me feel energetic and vibrant. So, that is exactly what I would need in order to not have a low self esteem. In general, my husband and I always feel weak and tired every time we wake up in the morning. No motivation, no energy, and so, don't we indeed need such supplement to make a difference with how we feel as well as look.
Always in pain...
I am always in pain, like I have this awful joint pain, and they crack. Boy, when I am moving my leg and twist my back then I am hearing fire crackers going off. Oh, at my age I am already sick worse than those who are way older than I am. I can't believe I would be in this predicament. What could have I done wrong to cause myself such misery? I wish someone can help me with this pain I am having. I have been having these aches and pains of mine ever since our eldest daughter Tiana was born. Gosh, am I having arthritis? Can these joint pains that I have be arthritis or rhreuma? Strange but how could that be at my age?
Easy to use shopping cart software...
Get the best service you need when it comes to having a website complete with everything you need. I would suggest to those thinking of having an online business, to see about this shopping cart software by Ashop Commerce. It is very useful software that will make any merchant manage their website at such an ease. It is an innovative way to have a fully customized website which has a functional store front, and well, flexible and easy to use. One doesn't have to be a computer savvy to be able to use it. Now, doesn't that sound easy enough to make you start an online business with your own website? Look in to it and find out more if you are interested! You will be delighted to know that there is a video available for you to answer all the questions you might have in mind. Yes, I was just watching it, and found out quite a lot of information in case one of these days I find the perfect opportunity to have my own online business running. I'll keep such software for my future reference.
Can't take a nap...
I tried to take a nap but boy! Tiana and Hannah would wake me up giggling all the time and looking for me. So, ugh! No nap for me. I have a slight headache and so, so much for my nap. I was hoping I could at least take a nap to feel better, but with my two chikitings bothering me, it is impossible. My husband can't handle them, especially the baby. They are so attached to me, so I am always in demand...LOL. Anyway, I stayed up last night and apparently having my headache is the result. I better change my ways. Staying up can make people grow old so fast-I heard- including eye sight and hair. It can impair your vision; I mean affect your vision later in life. And with your hair, they will fall out...LOL. No wonder our vacuum doesn't work and get stuck once in a while because it would be full of my hair-the brush is coated that is. I don't want to go bald, of course.
All about the latest Halloween movie...
There is a new movie coming up directed by Rob Zombie entitled Halloween the movie. Now, it is exciting indeed to be looking forward to seeing it premiering soon by the end of this month. I would be interested to see it in the big screen. It sounds like a very good scary movie. The young kids usually get scared of the boogie man. My husband mentions that once in a while and that spooks our daughter out when she doesn't listen not to wander off in the dark. Anyway, we enjoy watching scary movies every once in a while, it is something new for us. As for those scary movie fans, here, check out the video clip I have embedded here. It can make you jump...! And so, be sure to watch for Halloween the movie premiering in the theater near you. Seeing the video clip, reminds me of the other Halloween scary movies before especially those that has Mike Myers or Jason characters. Those movies can certainly make you afraid of the dark. So, if you are into watching scary movies, be sure to watch for this one. It is suspense full of dramatic and scary acts. You will enjoy it.
My adorable girls...
I took a picture of Tiana and Hannah with semi uniformed looking clothes, they look so neat. My girls are adorable and I am happy they are mine. Anyway, Tiana is seven years old now, and our baby Hannah is 9 months old. My, they are precious and so much fun to have around the house, though at times, they can drive me loco...LOL. Tiana is getting hard headed and has a mind of her own, and so as her baby sister Hannah, as she likes to be independent being on the floor all the time. We can't hold her a lot anymore. She likes to crawl and try to stand up and walk. She takes a step when she can. However, her leg problem is a hindrance, it is keeping her from being able to walk or stand up evenly like she wants to. Oh, I feel bad our baby, I wish I can help her. I can't believe what happened to her. It kills me to look at her struggling, gosh, if only we knew. I would want her leg worked on even inside my womb. Okay this is all for now, ciao for now folks!
Advertise on blogs...
I found another website that can make me earn real money just by blogging. Have you heard of Smorty yet? It is a website that lets bloggers like me advertise on blogs, and in the process earn extra income right from home. Isn't that great? I like it a lot because I can have extra income. I get paid to blog, and at Smorty, I can make the extra money I need. I find Smorty a convenient way to blog because I can reserve the opportunity for days, and so, it enables me to blog in my own time. Plus, if there are new opportunities available, I am notified about them, so I can reserve a post for me to blog about. Now, that is nice, and did I say, convenient? So, if you are like me, interested in paid blogging, let's get paid to blog, join me. Visit www.smorty.com and sign up!
Let's link exchange!!!...
Hi everyone, for those that want to link exchange with me, please feel free to grab my small banner here, if you prefer to link to me using my banner. I had to make one because some people prefer to have banners. So, there it is, you may grab it you like. Okay, until here for now. I am quite busy, I wish everybody to have a nice weekend...Happy Sunday!!!
MySpace Comments / Glitter Graphics
Try the Mesosilver-TRUE Colloidal Silver...
When I have enough money save, I will try to get another bottle of the Mesosilver that is a TRUE Colloidal Silver. Perhaps, if it won't help cure my sinus problem, it will help me stay in good health. I need that colloidal silver to keep me as healthy as possible anyhow. I will even look in to it and see if my whole family can use it. I tried it before for supposedly my sinus infection, hoping it would get rid of my awful respiratory condition, but it didn't. However, that might not have been the right one for me. So, I will see what I can do to get another bottle soon. I read that colloidal silver is effective and really helpful to people in maintaning a good health, so I'll try again.
It's Friday already?...
Time is marching on so fast, it's already Friday again. Wow, and August now, too. Whoa! Almost school time again, and that means I will have to sleep early and prepare Tiana for school every morning. Boy, I will surely be busy. Anyway, I am just passing time though; it's the wee hours of the night here. When the school time, I will feel like I am working, and the only time I can rest is during the weekends. See the image below, which is what I'll say..., LOL.
MySpace Comments / Glitter Graphics
Reasonable hotels in Australia...
Traveling all over the world is always fun, especially if going to places full of fascinating and exciting places to visit. Take Australia for example. There are lots of nice places to see there, according to those who have traveled there. However, one has got to know where to stay when traveling somewhere new. And to those travelers that wants to not only save on accommodations but also want to look in to getting a travel package deal. Well, here let me share a little about Hotel in Sydney, that is if you are going there, for maybe exploring the metropolitan city, perhaps, you will be attending conferences and exhibitions at Darling Harbour. You can find hotels there that may vary from boutique accommodation in places like North Sydney, Kings Cross, Edgecliff and the lower North Shore, to budget and luxury hotels. Also, there is a Hotel in Melbourne for such reasonable price, one that anyone with some money can certainly afford. There are fashionable stores, plenty of bars and cafes with a large variety of cosmopolitan restaurants, botanic gardens and riverside walks, overlooked by elegant streets and sky scrapers, food and film festivals, galleries, theatres and many more for you to discover upon your journey. If you are going somewhere else, maybe to Brisbane, well, you can still find a deal on Hotel in Brisbane. Surely, wherever you go you need a good accommodation, and there you may be able to find a place that will suit you better especially if you are a leisure traveler. There are hotels waiting for you, in fact, some are so close to these places: the Brisbane Convention Centre, South Bank, TAFE, Museum & Performing Arts Centre. So, come and see the website for all the deals you need!
I cooked string beans...
I cooked string beans for dinner tonight, because I bought a lot to stock up for the winter months. String beans are hard to find here in the U.S. especially in Michigan where the weather is not always warm. So, I thought to buy all out today. I want to have some Filipino veggies all year long if possible, though I only manage to cook once in a while. I am still not very good with cooking anything since I have not been spending some time to learn. Oh...well, what can I say when I am always busy. Life is quite tough for me you know, especially when I am not having fun. As for my dinner, Tiana helped me eat the string beans, I just cooked it the best way I could tonight because I normally use the string beans for cooking the mackerel or tuna kind of fish (tinolang isda ba). Yes, that is all I know so far. Anyway, Tiana and I wasn't too fond with eating our dinner since it didn't taste very good, I felt kinda nauseated afterwards...yuck! I have got to know how to string beans...help!