I recently bought a laptop/notebook and so, here, let me share about how you should go about buying a laptop. It is actually easy if you know what brand you want and what you need, if not then you could use the notebook computer buying guide. Anyway, first hand you should already know how much you need of the following; disk space, memory, and screen resolution. See, with me I figured that I only need the basic which means I don't have to worry about getting an extra expensive laptop for what I need. Now if you want to be sure that you can buy the laptop you are dreaming of, shop around for it because usually there is always a sale just waiting for you. The thing that made me stop and think about the most was arguing in my mind about which is which better to buy, the pc vs. mac laptops would come to mind. My husband insisted that I should go for the PC because it is compatible with a lot of software and networking. The Mac is newer, so it is still getting around to people. So he added that PC would make a better choice for me. So I went ahead and purchased a PC with all the disk space I wanted and plenty of memory, and yes, I wanted the biggest screen resolution available in the market; 17" inch. There are so many things to consider before buying a laptop computer really, because you have to ask yourself about what you want it for, etc. Don't forget the brand you want to go for, because it also matters with giving you the style and precision you are looking for. If you are always on the go and want to carry your laptop with you, then I would suggest getting a smaller size laptop. I just don't like the $60 dollar monthly payment for the wireless internet connection if I want to be mobile with my laptop though...LOL.
Pinakbet cooked just right
At last, I was able to cook the pork with mixed vegetables that we call "Pinakbet" at home. Wow, pinakbet is delicious, it taste great! I liked it a lot, and you know just today I was going to cook another batch of it, but then I forgot the main ingredient...LOL. I arrived home and prepared the vegetables then when I was about to cook them I remembered that I need pork. Oh, I forgot it, now I put off cooking pinakbet even when I was planning to have it for dinner. My husband was going to run to the store for me but then I became very busy voice-chatting with my father so I just said to wait and go tomorrow. Oh, well, things happen and today were one of my mishaps missing out on my tasty dinner. I will have to put my vegetables away for now. By the way, see below for my second try with cooking pinakbet. It's a yummy pinoy dish. I especially like the bitter gourd/melon because it makes me eat; the taste is perfect with everything combined. So here I go, sharing my pinakbet that I cooked nicely. I read a few recipes and combined all the ingredients I thought would be great and whalah...I cooked it to perfection.
Avoid boating accidents with Arizona boating education
Religion according to George Carlin
I never really knew George Carlin other than I saw his name attached to the inspirational quotes I read entitled "The paradox of our time in history". That is what I can remember about him because I thought he wrote it, but then when I looked it up online I found out that Bob Morehead wrote it-he is the original author. Well, I don't really know who's who there since that is only what I read. It got stuck in my mind that George Carlin was the author all along. Anyway, as for George Carlin, he just passed away-that was a few days ago, and I just discovered how great a standup comic he actually was. I saw him on TV when he was still alive but I didn't pay attention. I only know more about him now because my husband mentioned that one of the comedians he was following all through the years, died. What really made me a fan of George Carlin was when one morning my husband played a video of George Carlin on YouTube, and when I got to hear about what he was saying, he caught my attention. The longer I listened to him the more he made me realized that I should always use my noodle and don't take things literally. He definitely was the type of guy that made people come to their senses. So I thought while watching him, wow, this guy really tells it like it is. I admire his courage to speak his mind, being open-minded and brilliant enough not to take the easy way out, which means he was thinking for himself. Now, here is one of the video that makes a lot of people up and arms because of how he stood up for what he believed in that not too many people can be public about. It's not always likely that someone can get away with expressing what they really think saying things like he said because you find yourself out-numbered by those who are opposed to such matter being discussed openly and are closed-minded. As for me, I just find his comic acts funny and I think he was a fascinating man. It's too bad I didn't know about what he did and missed all his shows. However, I am thankful that I can still catch up and watch him on YouTube. I watched his video about what he thought of religion, so if you are curious about what he said, you may watch it, click "religion according to George Carlin", or watch it below. I can tell you, he provoked a lot of religious people. He was the man who can make you think and use your noodle. His topics are thought provoking that it brings you to start wondering if you have been using your noodle instead of accepting things as is and as told by others who thought of them for you. He was really comical, I find him funny because he knew how to get down to the point and get you to question things. His religion topic really made people pour in their thoughts and opinions including what they know about religion and God. They are debating big time and I had a kick reading what they all had to say. Some say that "religion is for those who can't think for themselves because they will believe in anything without taking time to question things". So you can read the religious people fighting against it-being defensive, because the others are saying "why prove something that does not exist". By the way, if you watch his videos, be warned that he speaks the street language-it's the blue collar comedy, my husband said so. Okay, before I get off here though, condolence to Mr. George Carlin's family. He left a daughter behind. He is gone but will never be forgotten by his avid fans through his shows. He will be missed for his realistic views and for his humor. He left a legacy that sets an example to people to always use their noodles.
I want to visit Spain someday
I am curious about the country of Spain because you know, Spain contributed to our Spanish heritage and culture. So, that alone makes it fascinating for me to be able to go see Spain, someday, if ever. So far I am finding out some information about where to stay and how cheap it is to take a leisure tour around wherever city people desire to explore or visit. See, there is a way that you can get around easily over there with being able to get a car for your transportation, affordable. Well, it is a relief to know about that for sure. By the way, I thought I would only see those roasted pigs in the Philippines, but I found out that such way of cooking actually originated in Spain. That is if I heard it right. Anyway, there are so many great foods to look forward to when you are talking about going to Spain. So if you are taking a trip there, be sure not to miss the cheapest car hire in Spain because it will save you some money. It is always better to save you know. You would not want to miss bringing home a souvenir. That is why you need to save when you can.
At last I am seeing people from my hometown
I am finally finding a number of people from my hometown at Friendster. Wow, how exciting. When I checked before I didn't find any of them, but now I do. The only problem is that they have changed so much; looks wise, that I didn't recognize some of them. So what I did was just come by their profiles and look around. When I see someone from my hometown that I don't recognize I would just wonder who it could possibly be. I am thankful though that they are friendly enough to add me to their circle of friends. However, I saw one in particular that used to be someone I considered a friend when I was a little girl, but then I don't know what happened that when she went away and came back she started picking on me. Fortunately, she was only my schoolmate and not a classmate...LOL, otherwise we would have had an eventual cat-fight in school. Now I am not sure if I want to be friendly with her and add her because of what she did to me. She was after me when I also came back to our hometown to continue my studies-we became schoolmates-thank goodness. She could have humiliated me publicly because of the mistake I made in grade school-elementary that she couldn't seem to outgrow and wanted to hassle me about it. I don't want to live in the past especially when I was only a little girl when it happened-but yeah; she was just being a bully to me. She was lucky enough that I grew to be a decent human being and not someone who gets violent and lash out on her for continuing to mock me. Anyway, I am not so please of people that can be so ignorant that way, and certainly not so fond of those who draw their conclusions without really knowing the facts. I get insulted when people just blurt things out and then they turned out to be wrong. Sometimes we can't really judge a person by how they act and look, because things aren't always as they seem. We can't judge a book by its cover, indeed. It is not good to just assume because you could be wrong and you will only humiliate yourself. If you don't know the situation, then it is better off that you say nothing at all. Yes, peeps...if you have nothing good to say then don't say anything at all.
Be stress free without feeling sleepy
Sometimes I feel so stressed just arguing with my family members and dealing with my personal problems. It makes my head spin, and then I feel like sleeping. Life is really full of things that can stress you out. I hate to have to go to work and put up with people in chaos especially during the holidays when everybody is frantically busy. Stress is really common with people working in the office, too, especially if you have annoying office mate/s. I saw a video of people going mad because of annoying co-workers. It even made a man so mad that he smashed the telephone that his lady co-worker was using. He took the phone right off her hand and dropped the phone on the floor. It is a good thing that it wasn't me...LOL. We certainly would need the benefits of product in relation to business, work stress. Well, if I ever get in that situation since I plan on getting a job soon, I would want to prepare for it and equip myself with this AbsoluteCalm supplement so I am not so affected with getting stress because of my busy schedule. I won't have to worry about getting stress because it will help me get through the day. It will help those that are always busy at work. So if you are someone who seems to get easily stressed just by being in a busy workplace, you should experience the positive effects of AbsoluteCalm.
Seated in the smoking section
We went to get something to eat the other day; fast food, and we planned to only order a take-out, but we ended up eating out. My husband didn't want to really stick around because he didn't like the way the restaurant look on the inside. He also had inkling that the food would not be as good as what he read based on a customer's review online. However, I always try to convince him to stay and try the food before drawing any conclusion. So we did and, well, he didn't like the food indeed. The waitress made a mistake with not asking where we would like to be seated; smoking or no-smoking, and she seated us in a smoking area. We didn't know that at the time, and we only realized it when we were about to eat and when someone mentioned about wanting to be seat at the no-smoking area. So we would have loved to move but it was too late, and my husband bothered with asking if smoking inside a restaurant will soon be banned in Michigan. The answer is a big "NO" which really made my husband disappointed and couldn't finish eating what he had on his plate. We had to leave then because people behind us were starting to light their cigarettes. We had children with us, so we didn't want to take the chance of having them breathe second-hand smoke. I also developed allergic reactions to the food I ate, and when I finished off the leftover I brought home it made my rashes spread. I didn't know that I was allergic right away as I thought I just had a bunch of bed bugs bit me but then it could have been the food. The cans of tea I drunk might have been the culprit to consider, if not then it was the food I ate. I still have my rashes, they look like heat-rash but they are big-they look like warts as they thickened. Oh, it really itch me just like when I had those rashes during my second pregnancy.
Thinking outside the box
I have not been updating my blog a lot lately since I am getting bored and actually lazy. I am also thinking outside the box, what I mean by that, is that I am getting tired of sitting around the house not making any money. I need to have a steady income. My blog is fun but sometimes I am just too bored to be able to make any updates. You know I would like to get a job, but if not, then I would be interested in starting my own business right at home. That would mean that I may need a website. I know how it works now, so I could easily start an online business if I want to. Only I find it difficult to have to get a business license and have my work copyrighted like what my husband told me as he attended a business seminar before. I bet it is a hassle. However, if it means I will have some money coming in every month, I think I can manage. So I will have to see about getting a cheap web hosting package that fits my need. I usually look for the best price available online, and, course, it takes shopping around just like when I bought my computer. I had to do a research and read the consumer's review. If I ever need to have a website for the type of business I have in mind, I might just be able to afford it because I found a website where I saw some top rated web hosting sites. The customer's ratings and reviews really help. I would need a huge disk space and monthly bandwidth. The free domain included sounds good to me already.
It's my niece Sarah's 2nd birthday
It's my sister Nora's little girl's birthday today. They are so busy celebrating right now. Oh, my niece with her is a big girl now. How time flies. She is looking cuter and cuter each year that passes. I really wish her a continued good health and long life. Hugs and kisses to her on her birthday. It's too bad we are so far apart because I would love to come and attend her birthday and, so can Nora and her family can join us, too. It is always nice to have family members living close by-like in our homeland. Life is so different here, it is never the same and nothing beats the fact that being in your own backyard is more comfortable. When our sister Gemma comes over here, she will also be living quite a ways away from both Nora and me. So, oh, it's unfortunate. It is definitely unlike at home where we can just walk the distance that separates us there, here if we have no money to be able to afford the high sky prices of gasoline we can ever go places. Not especially with visiting our homeland because it takes thousands of dollars. I can go if to say I decide to go alone, but goodness it is so dangerous, I might wind up getting murdered myself since those criminals that murdered my uncle are still at large. Anyway, I better save some of my ranting for next time. Right now, I just want to wish my niece a "happy birthday". Muah...!!!
Birthday Myspace Comments - Myspace Surveys
Save a cord blood to save a life
Here is something that made me think more about saving my baby's cord blood. See, I still want to have more children someday; I hope to have boys, too. So with that in mind there is a possibility for me to look in to this new way to cure deadly diseases by having access to the cord blood. I have read and heard that it can be really helpful when it comes to life threatening diseases. I also learned more about it because of the Cryo-Cell Innovative Stem Cell Solutions being introduced to people to be very helpful and affordable blood bank. Saving a cord blood is becoming more and more common as people see it fit and necessary, for the technology is ever growing and expanding. People are finding out a lot of things which includes saving lives using cord blood. Not only that cord blood is a definite life saver, it is also a good investment as it could over-night grow to be more valuable. So this Cryo-Cell's "Protect Baby, Protect Mom" is something that I am interested in whenever I get pregnant again and have a baby. I was actually going to have our baby Hannah's blood saved, but then the price was way beyond our means, so we didn't get to have it done. If we had the money, we could have done it with our two daughters, but it’s too bad we were not very well informed with how important it could be for the whole family-even relatives and not just to say whenever our children get sick. Now for those of you who might be having a baby soon, you should see about saving your baby's cord blood for future use, it is especially useful when your child get sick someday, if in case your child contracts a deadly disease it could potentially save your child's life. So here the "Protect Baby, Protect Mom" Special Limited-Time Introductory Offer is something you shouldn't miss. You get your kit right away upon request.
My husband can no longer read fine print
My husband is having trouble seeing. He actually had a surgery to be able to see better instead of using eye glasses, but it seems like it only last for so long. Consequently, now he can't see small prints, unless he has eyeglasses on. The only problem with him is that he doesn't want to spend a lot of money buying eye glasses. However, here is this website that sells $ 8 Zenni Optical Rx Eyeglasses which he can see about. He can find all kinds of sunglasses there and get prescription eyeglasses at a price he can easily afford. He doesn't have to pay top dollar because there is no middle man that cost extra money. Now, that is better than buying it at the nearest local store here because he would pay almost double. My husband will like that as he has so many to choose from like the following; single vision lens, sunsensor (potochromic)lens, tinted suglasses lens, bifocal lens and progressive lens. My parents and other family members could use prescription glasses as well, so I will see what I can find for them. After all, they are affordable enough compare to the others. Yes, people can only get them at http://www.ZenniOptical.com because saving money is important especially with the way things are going these days. The gas prices are overwhelming.
How I see life in general
Today we went shopping and I was able to buy a few things for the 3 of us; my daughters and me. I bought a hobo bag-I like hobo bags, and a silk top for myself. As for my daughter I bought dresses and summer clothes for them. Oh, I really enjoy shopping every once in a while. It keeps me upbeat. I also like to go to the park and ride my bike, so I feel lively. Anyway, my life is not that exciting and I don't have a lot to say I can always have a good time but I try everyday. I enjoy life if I don't have a lot of problems to worry about. Sometimes problems bring me down, but then I get back up and recover quickly. Life is good if I can control my emotions not to rule my life. Now the blog quiz I took today just seems to describe how I feel about life in general. I think life is fun as long as you know how to balance things out. I want to live it up while I am here alive and well. Okay, this is all for now. See yah! I want to go to bed early from now on before wrinkles start to appear on my face. It can destroy my youthfulness...LOL. I don't want to grow old too soon, there are still so many things I haven't done yet, so I need to stay young and vibrant to be able to get the things I want to experience in my life. I realized that you can only seem to be happy if you are contented with what you have and what you can do. I try to practice that...LOL, that way I am more together. Nobody should live up to other people's expectations. Yes, I think so, we should ignore what they think is important and right, after all we can think for ourselves. We all know well what is best for us and nobody else. All they do is chit-chat but then what do they know...LOL.
Your Power Bird is a Cardinal |
![]() You believe that each day is precious, and you spend your times as best as you can. You see the wonder in small things, and you are often content with what you have. You life an interesting, colorful life - and you bring color to those around you. Confident and expressive, you believe you know how to live a good life. You're living it! |
Avoid high gas prices by shopping right from home
I enjoy shopping online but I hate it when I have to pay a lot of money just for shipping. See, recently I have been buying table covers and my, it cost almost double due to the shipping cost. However, I just found out about another website where I can find money saving coupons to use to shop at any store I like online. As a matter of fact, I don't have to worry about the shipping cost because shipping is free. Therefore, I save on both shopping and shipping. What a deal! I am looking to find a dress for our daughter Tiana because her birthday is coming up this July. I would also like to shop for her present. The gas prices sky rocketed, so I might just do my shopping right at home and save money on gas, too. Anyway, for those of you who hates having to go out and pay for high gas prices, you would like this website where you can get Coupon Codes to save you money. You can save a lot of money, I tell you. Just go and see!
October Slumber
*1.Determine your birthday month and get a word that rhymes with it or you can affix to it. Caps lock your birth month (ex: MAYday! JUNE dune, APRILicious, JULYvely, AUGUST pocus, parched MARCH…). Be unique.
* 2.Your birth month plus the word affixed or rhymed shall become the tag’s title in your case.
* 3.Get your birthday and add the digits involved. Example, if your birthday falls on the 25th of July, add 2 and 5 you get 7.
* 4.Whatever is the sum, write a list of the MATERIAL gifts you wish to receive, the number of which shall correspond to the sum of your birthday. For example, applying the case above (in rule number 3), you will write seven (7) things you wish to receive.
* 5.After your wish list, put your name and birthday in the Bloggers’ Birthday Directory, with a link to your blog/s. Note: when you add your birthday, please place it in a way that the dates appear chronological (January, February… 1, 2, 3)
* 6. Pass this tag/meme by tagging as many people as you want.
Name: Analou
Birthday: October 24
Calculation: 6
My Wish List:
Wiw! I am only allowed to make 6 wishes...
1. I need lots of money-for my family, shopping, and goals...LOL.
2. A vehicle for me-I want to be mobile, yes I need my independence.
3. A bigger house for us-hopefully as our family is growing...LOL.
4. I need new this and that stuff like mattress, curtains, and more.
5. I still want to go back to school-make something out of myself.
6. I want to have more adorable children-yes, perhaps two more; boys!
Bloggers’ Birthday Directory:February 20 - Caryl February 23 - Jammy March 7 - Mari May 3 - Vannie May 8 - joanjoyce May 13 - Jenny May 27 – Zang Caesar September 30 - Mckhoii December 18 - JoshuaOngYS December 19 - Alpha December 28 -Yen October 24-Ana aka anaps. Add your birthday and name here:
I am tagging those who likes this tag. You are welcome to grab it. It's fun, so help yourself!
Note to JenR.: Thanks for tagging me ha? I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Thanks!
What I like about a webhosting package
I browsed the Internet for a web hosting package before because I needed a space for my personal website. And you know I had to look around for a while to find the best web hosting package that fit my needs. I was only looking to find a basic web hosting package and fortunately I found a very affordable web hosting package. The downfall was that I didn't have enough monthly bandwidth. Having a huge disk space for your files and enough monthly bandwidth is very important in order to keep your website available at all times especially if you are running an online business. Those are the two things that you would need if you plan to have a website that people can visit everyday otherwise they will get an empty page saying "sorry this website has exceeded its monthly bandwidth, please come back later". Now nobody wants that, not even myself for my personal website. It turns people off to visit a website that is not always available as it is a waste of time. Anyway, talking about web hosting here, I thought that this website host has a very affordable web hosting packages with all the necessary huge disk space and monthly bandwidth for a functional website. So, if you out there is thinking about starting your own business and need a good webhosting company to host your website, then you might want to see about it. You also have more than what you can ask for when you purchase a web hosting package at such site because you are provided with the tool to get your website up and running. I think that is a fine offer. I would be interested if to say I need a website.
We are all feeling better now
It's been almost a week since I have not jot down anything on any of my blogs. Oh, we have been sick for weeks with stomach flu especially Tiana and Hannah. They both had it bad, so they lost quite a lot of weight. Thank goodness though that now they are feeling better. They are not vomiting anymore. They are eating well again, and hopefully no more getting sick. Perhaps it was from the fresh fruits and vegetables we ate some time ago like the tomatoes and mangoes. I got sick after consuming some atulfo mangoes, so I want to lay off eating them at this time. I also heard that tomatoes have been found to be the culprit because it has salmonella. It made a lot of people sick; causing diarrhea and vomiting. Anyway, I am glad we are over it now. We can enjoy the summer and go to the park. We go to the mall often to check out some on sale items and, of course, I always find something to bring home. We like eating ice cream and cotton candy each time we go to the mall. Our baby girl Hannah likes cotton candy. Okay, this is all. I am getting a little tired blogging since I don't have a lot to share and blog about. No pr no dough!
Used RVs at marked down prices
The school year is almost over and there will be so many families back on the road taking leisure vacations. I wish we can do the same, as I would be interested in travelling across country fun tour of the U.S.A. What really makes a vacation fun is the journey and being able to have your very own RV. Having an RV is very convenient and, of course, comfortable for the whole family to travel. My husband wishes we could one day own an RV Motorhome so we can go anywhere we want and enjoy our trip. Perhaps, that dream can be a reality with these Used RVs because they are so cheap. Imagine some are used to be 15,000 USD, now they are marked down to $7,000 USD which is less than half the original price. Now who wouldn't like that? If we decide to get an RV now, we would save a lot of money. Currently there are Class A Gas Motorhomes, Class A Diesel Motorhomes, and Class C Motorhomes with Savings as much as 40% off MSRP that anyone looking to buy an RV can look into. In fact, financing is available which is great!