Having a job is actually fun for me. That's right! I like working and being active. You see, I feel like I am exercising because I get to walk around...LOL! It is good for me since I have been slacking for a long time. I was begginning to lose my shape and it disgusted my husband that I was letting myself go...ha-hah! My laziness got the best of me. I used to be lean and mean you know. By the way, I certainly couldn't agree more with what my annoymous commenter said to me saying "you get to travel, etc. when you have a job." Well, that is very true. Now that I am working, I am definitely eating...LOL! Indeed, I am able to afford just about anything I wish to have and surely can travel when time permits me. Life is good when you are making money. There is nothing I like more than making (even more) money...ahahah! Ok, just pullin' your leg! However, in my case I need to save money to pay off my bills. My spending got out of hand for a while, so now it's payback time. Most of all though, I am also trying to help my family back home especially my uncle. I have got to make it happen for him that justice is served. It's haunting to be selfish and I do feel guilty thinking that I may not have helped (enough) the people that needs help the most. It bothers me. This is why I have to focus and meet my goals. Okay t-t-f-n!
Things are looking up for me
3/16/2010 02:50:00 PM |
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