Mom and Dad

Guest written by our friend Gladys Fuentes

Mom and dad recently bought a lake house for the whole family to use. It was pretty much the best idea they ever had if you ask me and I’m just really happy they’ve gone ahead and done it since they’ve been talking about it for years and years. My kids can’t wait for the weather to warm up so we can go up there and get out on the boat but I for one know the place needs a little work before it’s ready to be lived in for a season. I’ve been helping mom and dad with things like wild blue internet and getting a painter in there and even looking for furniture for the patio but there are some things they’re just going to have to do themselves. Dad’s been talking about putting a fire pit in and mom would love to have a porch swing so I guess we’ll see what kind of extras the place has by the time summer rolls around! I know they can’t wait to start using the place like they intended.

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Happy Spring 2012!!!

Spring came early for us here, and ah, what a treat! The weather is perfect. I'll have to get out soon and start cleaning our yard. I have to plant some flowers again, and maybe vegetables too. Anyway, I hope everybody's having a wonderful time going out and about. As for us, we're doing just that. Okay, happy spring! Aw, the sun is up and shining...yay!

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Doing research

Guest post written by my buddy Aldo Mays

I was helping my co-worker research SIP trunking providers for the office. Some of our workers ended up moving to different areas of the state recently. It is too far for them to drive into work, so my boss decided it was best to let them telecommute. They are really essential parts of our work team so I do not think we could afford to lose them completely. Before, we were not really using very much video or calling using the Internet. Now, it will really help to have some service that provides a mixture of that to accommodate the new work setting. I think it is nice our boss is going to do that. It is partially for our business’ benefit, but I know they will really benefit from it as well since they will not have to suffer a long commute or searching for a new position elsewhere. The job market is pretty difficult right now. It makes me really glad I am a part of such a nice small company and it is good to know we will have the software and capabilities to work from more places if needed.

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I'll be driving soon

I am taking a break from school to get a few things done. First off, I need to learn how to drive, so I am finally mobile. I really dread relying on other people for a ride...even if it's my husband in particular. I especially didn't care for it when I started going to school here. It's awful not having your own vehicle and be able to come and go anytime you please. Anyway, I am looking forward to being on the road, and oh, it's another form of freedom for me as if I have wings. LOL! But for a new driver, I must take it slow though, since it's quite dangerous to be driving in the big city with heavy traffic. Okay, this is all for now. Happy Valentine's Day!

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Small Biz

Contribution by Stevie Kirby

I’ve been looking into Business Internet solutions for my little company because I knew we needed to get on top of the technology needs we just weren’t living up to. I try really hard not to get too caught up in what the “important” thing to do is for your small business but even I could admit that we needed to do a little updating on the tech front. It’s just me and my assistant Shirlene and two interns and things just don’t get done as fast when you don’t have what you need to be efficient, you know? I try as hard as I can not to buy anything superfluous for the business but this is something even I can admit we’ve been needing for a while so I can handle some criticism that it took me so long. Now that we’ve got faster internet at the office I expect the productivity there to really go through the roof and I’ve told all my girls that – they’re being monitored for productivity now!

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Welcome 2012!!!

Welcome to the year 2012! Let's hope that this year and the years to come will only bring us more good things, and not bad things. And let's not the "End of The World" hearsay instill fear in us. I for one, just don't believe in it, or that the world will end in December 21, 2012...LOL! That is just a myth. So let's continue to live, laugh, and love. Take care peeps! Happy New Year!!!

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