The aims of this award:
* As a dedication for those who love blogging activity and love to encourage friendships through blogging.
* To seek the reasons why we all love blogging!
* Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it
* Don’t forget to mention the person who gives you the award.
* Answer the award’s question by writing the reason why you love blogging.
* Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.
* Don’t forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.
Why do I love blogging?
I love blogging because I get to have an outlet if I have no one else to talk to...especially when I am bored. I also like the fact that I am able to interact with other people from all over the world and make friends. And on the contrary even enemies which make it all the more interesting...LOL. It wasn't that long ago that I was just exchanging harsh words with those who are opposed to how I blog and operate. It's one of the challenging parts about dwelling in the Cyber World. You always have people sticking their noses into your business and you can't have an opinion if you are not highly educated. Only with me, I actually enjoyed my time giving them a piece of my mind...LOL. I learned a lot that you can never tell who's who, for people are not always what they seem. There are so many cowards online because usually if they see an opportunity to attack you, they hide under anonymous names. However, if to say they go to the extreme where they are over-stepping your rights. When what they are saying no longer falls under the freedom of speech but under slander/defamation of character, you'll be interested to know that you can sue them for Cyber-libel. Indeed, because hiding behind an anonymous name is not going to help much when it comes to the legal matter. It is all in the record that we call "server". So, peeps, keep in mind that just because your IP address won't show up with your comment, it doesn't mean it is not there (even if it changes). Watch your step as you could stumble and definitely fall if you hit the wrong person. Blogging taught me so much that those who are nice are not always nice. All you have to do is provoke them and you will see what they really are like. Their real opinions about you come out. Above all, in spite that there are some downsides to consider, I still love blogging because we all get to share information and learn new things from each other as well as earn money. Let's just keep it clean though. Let's treat others the way we want to be treated. Peace!
To Rica: Thanks for the award. I had fun sharing why I love blogging.
I tag; everyone on my blogroll including my sisters: Nora and Gemma.
Why do I love blogging award
Helpful file extension torrent information
Our new desktop computer is slowing down and I am wondering if it is full of registry errors. From what I learned a new computer can slow down overnight due to registry errors-yep, before you even know it. So, that is probably what we have in our computer. Also there have been a number of times that I tried downloading a URL of a certain file and all I get is error saying "it is not a supported file type, format, or extension". It is really disappointing in a way since some of the files I have been trying to access are important to me. By the way, if you share my computer problem, let me refer you to a website with helpful information about different types of file extensions. For one, what I am referring to here is the file extension torrent which is identified with the BitTorrent file and is categorized under the misc files. Now what I am going to do first is scan our computer for registry errors and hopefully I will finally be able to open torrent files in Windows. Well, unless otherwise our computer is missing the appropriate application to support torrent files. If not, then it would have to be with the registry errors causing our computer to slow down and corrupt files; I mean the registry errors can interfere with downloading or opening a file.
Looking for quality flooring tools
As soon as the weather is warm enough for our children and me to be outside, my husband will continue renovating our house. We recently ripped off the carpet covering our dining room that the former owner left and discovered that we have a beautiful hardwood floor underneath it. The hardwood floor is well preserved but it needs work. My husband is planning to sand it and stain it. We will have to look around for some handy flooring tools, first. Actually, I already found a website with loads of quality Pneumatic tools, fasteners, and compressors from Stanley Bostitch. The kinds of construction tools fit to handle the toughest jobs when it comes to home improvements. The flooring Nailers and flooring staples are just what we need. The website definitely has a lot of flooring tools for us to choose from. In fact, my husband can register and maybe in the process win something. There is currently a March giveaway there. Anyway, I can't wait to see the finished look of our hardwood floor. It is going to be stunning for sure.
Learn how to invest by doing it virtually
My husband and I talks about investing as a way for us to generate extra income. However, he is worried that it is a much too risky business to get into because we could lose thousands of dollars. He doesn't know a lot about how financial trading works, so it would not be so wise to plunge ourselves into such without at least knowing the basics. Indeed, we would only end up losing money because we have no idea how investing really works. I plan to learn though so maybe someday I can make my money grow. I like how I can make a profit although it is gambling since I can either win and double my money or lose it all. By the way, I found just the game to learn how to invest. Perhaps my husband will be interested in giving it a try as well. This game I am talking about is for everybody who wants to improve their financial trading skills. So, I am looking forward to playing it because it will give me/us a good start as to how to manage and build virtual stock portfolio just as if we are actually doing it in real life.
Get a Payday Loan for emergency
Making ends meet in this bad economy is really difficult. A lot of people are ending up living paycheck to paycheck now. It is not good. So, for those of you who are in that situation; let me assure you that there is always help available when you need it. If you ever find yourself short on cash before payday, you can conveniently borrow money without having to wait for days since there are these no credit checks required and No Fax Payday Loans for people who need money fast. Indeed, if you happened to be among them, you are in luck because you can borrow money within 24 hours. There are no hassles involved; therefore there would be no delay. A payday loan is good for emergency.
My new and improved blog template
I surprised myself with how neat my blog looks now. I mean it is not that well decorated but I love it. It is simple yet business like; I mean professional looking. I did not want to replace my template after working hard on how to tweak it to my liking but looking at my blog now, I am glad I did. I am especially happy when I can make money while I sleep with Google AdSense and Affiliate Programs...whew! I was actually prompted to replace my template here for better navigation. I received a feedback saying that my posts did not appear at the top where they should be but at the bottom of the page. So, I had to make the necessary changes because I want to be productive here...;). Plus, I also had trouble with my FeedJIT live traffic feed widget here overlapping my posts anyway. Now I am satisfied with my new template. I just hope I won't hear any more problems. Okay, this is all for now. I feel groggy because you see, I have not slept a wink last night and I was only able to sleep a couple of hours today. I have got to exercise, so I can get some sleep. I guess I couldn't sleep last night because I was too anxious to finish editing my blog here. It's not finish just yet, and I am thinking of redoing my work here as soon as I have enough rest. I am a bit of a perfectionist and I have got to have it the way I want it. I really just need to re-upload the template codes. That is all.
About Treatments for Symptoms
I went to bed feeling just fine last night but it felt like I did not fall asleep at all as I found myself awake coughing. I was coughing and wondered if I even fell asleep since I could not remember being asleep. It felt like I have always been coughing. That was strange. I could not even go back to bed for a while because I would only feel worse. Fortunately though, I remembered that I should have our air purifier on so perhaps it would help and it actually did. I am glad that my cough is gone. During the cold season people get so many ailments but thankfully taking over-the-counter medicines help. It also helps when I can just browse the net and find medical information to help us deal with common cold, fever, and other illnesses that my family and I get every once in a while. How nice because there are websites that provide Treatments for Symptoms which is quite helpful to us as our children gets sick quite often. Sometimes our eldest daughter would come home from school sick. She usually gets a common cold and since it is contagious the next thing we know we are all sick, too. That is why learning how to manage when we get sick is really important. Now I know where to get my answers to symptoms that are treatable at home. I use either over-the-counter medications or herbal medicines for treating minor aches and pains. I need to educate myself more about home remedies and treatments. Understand the nature of treatments for symptoms from Dr Daniel Amen. Find out more about Dr. Amen here.
Save money with a VOIP service
This tough economy is making almost everybody cut cost. Well, as for us, we might also have to try to cut down on our expenses. I am afraid I will have to settle with a VOIP service to enable me to still have a connection with my family back home. It is actually a lot cheaper than communicating over a regular telephone. You see, I have been paying $30.00 a month and it is not cheap at all. So I will have to make a switch to a VOIP service soon, so I won't have to pay an arm and a leg. It's a good thing I took my time with reading some of the VOIP services Reviews because it helped me with finding more VOIP services available for me. I will be comparing rates and then decide if a VOIP is right for me. I mean why pay more when I don't have to anyway. By the way, for those of you out there looking to save money on your international long distance calls, you might also want see about switching to a VOIP service. A VOIP is a voice over IP, which means making a call to a regular phone or mobile phone using your computer instead of your regular phone. Discover helpful VOIP reviews and DSL services reviews from Spectrotel. Find more information about Spectrotel company here.
Retirement planning for seniors
This is really helpful to those who are approaching retirement age. Have you heard of the latest news about you retiring online yet? Well, if you haven't, let me share what I heard. It is now easier for you to apply for your retirement benefits because you can do it online. Indeed, you can retire online. If you are interested in learning more about it and perhaps could use some pointers about retirement planning. You can also learn about which way to go with spending your money on some health insurance before you end up wasting your money. From what I learned the earlier you start working and earning a stable amount of money the more money you will receive when you retire. Your benefits are calculated based on how much you earned during your working years. That is what I need to work on; get working and make sure I earn big money every month, so I can put in for my retirement and hopefully an IRA, too. Anyway, there are sites available for seniors and I think I just found one of them that have lots of social security news and services that are helpful to people who are planning to retire. Find out some of the solutions that can help you get to where you want to be when you reach retirement age. It is vital that you get to retire; otherwise you will be working for the rest of your life. It is sad for those who are unable to retire because they can never rest. I mean when you reach retirement age, you should be able to retire and not have to keep working. It is the last chapter of your life in which you deserve a break and should be able to live it up, at last! You need to cover all you bases so you don't leave anything behind. You have to make sure you have enough money to cover everything and consider other options that could help you live your dreams.
Ease of hiring and job hunting
This reminds me of when my husband used to receive notifications about job openings so he could submit his resume. He worked for many big corporations until he retired. However, being older did not help him find a job at all, and he did not get a job most of the time if not because of the recruiters helping him. What I am talking about is if you are looking for a job, you can go to a recruitment agency to do the job hunting for you. Recruitment agencies or people who recruit for employment are called "Headhunters". Now if you are among the many who are struggling with finding a job, you might want to look into this Executive Search Firm because it is about a website that has a list of employment agencies/recruiters and employers looking to hire. It is actually quite easy because all you have to do is look for the right recruitment agency/recruiter and submit your resume then sit and wait for the call. You get a call as soon as a job becomes available, you will usually hear about where it is located, etc. That is how my husband made his way into working at Boeing Co. and other major corporations he used to work for-being a Design Engineer. Imagine you don't have to sweat it out trying to scan different sites and articles just so you can find a job because your recruiter will do it all for you. Anyway, that is just another way to get around some of the hassles that involves in job hunting. There are many recruiters just waiting for you to contact them and let them know you are looking for a job. The recruiters know the way as employers usually go to them for convenience of hiring. As for the employers, you might want to consider how a recruiter can help you find the right people to work for you. Known for his professional expertise in the area of executive search firms and recruitment, recruiter Dennis C Carey is the expert when it comes to finding the best managers for your company. Know more about the profile of Dennis Carey here.
Nadya Suleman is lucky
Indeed, lucky to be living in America and not anywhere else, especially like in China. In China families are only allowed to have 2 children; otherwise face the ever harsh consequences. So, she is quite lucky to be getting away with what she did in spite that she has no means to support all her 14 children financially. She just happened to be in a country where people don't have to starve to death because every citizen's welfare matters. That is what I like about America because no one is left out in the cold to die. I am glad that the elderly people have social security benefits because most of them really need it. I also like the fact that temporary benefits are available for people who are struggling to survive and those who lost their jobs due to the perilous economy. I am all for the good of humanity. Anyway, let me go back with talking about the octomom madness here. I am one of the many people who could not figure her out for wanting to have more children that she cannot support financially. What was she thinking? I think that is being self-absorbed. She was only thinking of her wants, etc. The fact that she wanted to have a big family, but goodness, not considering what can happen if she has too many, is absolutely wrong. Some people actually talked about taking some of her children away and put them up for adoption. It's a good thing that there are people kind enough to help her out. She is being rewarded for her insane decision. Wow! People are being rewarded for their bad behaviors. Nadya Suleman should do it again...LOL! She has two more children left to bring into this world with the help of IVF process. That is what God multiply, but it should be more to the point saying "only multiply if you can afford it". For goodness sake! There should be a limit to how many children you can have depending on your financial status. People should only be allowed to have a number of children that they can support financially. Everyone needs to be responsible. Octomom there perhaps thought that she would be famous if she had 8 babies and her wish was granted only a little more than she had had anticipated. Well, we all have to deal with the consequences of our actions don't we? That is what welfare and other free entitlement programs are doing to people now. I am not against helping others but if it is being abused that way, then it is not good. Social security benefits and other temporary assistants are fine because for one, Social Security benefits are earned unlike welfare and so on. I like the Social Security because I am able to put in for it and claim it later when I retire. I am not so good with saving money on my own because when I see money I have to spend it...[blush]...being that I am not much of a saver. So, the Social Security is a better way for me to do it. It is like an insurance policy, it is better that you have to pay monthly rather than trying to save the money on your own. Let others save it for you instead because then you can't spend it. That is when Individual Retirement Account (IRA) comes in.
Bring your new ideas to life
I dream big and sometimes I wish I can think up of something that can help me generate extra income. What I am talking about is coming up with an idea that can be turned into a good product. It must be neat to be able to invent something, sell it and make a profit. That came to mind when I found the Design Mind Group which helps people bring their brilliant new ideas to life. My husband and I are missing out. Well, actually we tried hard with thinking about what to invent so we would have a way to make extra income. My husband almost made it as he thought of a great idea before but he didn't take it so seriously and he was just shocked when one day he saw it on TV. Somebody else had the same idea but acted on it and made lots of money. Wow! It could have been my husband if only he took the time to patent it and knew about the Design Mind Group company to make it happen for him. His father also invented a clothes pin way before everybody else according to my husband, but he was only able to go as far as to have it patented. What a shame I would say that they missed their golden opportunities to make big money. By the way, for those of you out there who may have a good idea about inventing something, you might want to patent it and make your dreams a reality. You can put your idea to good use by going to a company that can help make it a product. I mean, you can turn your new idea into a sellable product. You see, here this company that can enable you to make your new invention available to the public. You never know that you could be one of the famous inventors that ever lived. The Design Mind Group LLC is a company dedicated to ingenuity. That company is there to bring your new ideas to life. So, there you go, be sure not to let your ideas go to waste. You could make millions!
A biker community for all bikers
This is so nice because bikers actually have a website where they can interact and share information about what they do, etc. Well, I happened to have a brother in law who is a biker. I think the website is perfect for him where he can join the fun. He can even share what he is up to including his hobbies and interests. By the way, if you are a biker, too, be sure to see about this biker community because I assure you, you can meet other bikers who shares your interests. You can also share your thoughts, stories, videos, music, photos, and even publish classified ads there. So, there you have it, don't miss out on the fun! Get in involved in the discussions, be heard and be counted. Find out which group of bikers you belong to. The website is very entertaining; I mean interactive and fun. You will like such cruiser customizing community for sure.
No more porn in the workplace
Speaking of porn in the workplace, I heard a lot of people (men) actually got fired for that reason alone. That is definitely something that men should watch out for, especially nowadays when almost everything is so high-tech. You can no longer be such a computer savvy that you think you can still get away with viewing pornographic contents while at work. You see, there is a way for an IT or HR professional to quickly and discreetly detect porn in your computer. There is an innovative tool available to use for conveniently detecting porn in the workplace without the employee knowing it. It is a tool that is making it possible for employers to avoid hostile work environment lawsuit. Having such tool will definitely be helpful in order to keep employees on their toes. I mean they will improve how they operate in their workplace, conduct business, etc. Therefore, no more time is wasted and they are more able to focus on what they are supposed to do. Now there you go people, be sure to do your jobs right to avoid getting fired. Being fired for viewing pornographic contents is quite humiliating anyway. And you don't want to be one of those who already got fired.
No snowman for us this winter
I went out to make a snowman when it snowed the last time, but unfortunately, the snow wasn't wet enough for me to be able to make a snowman. I formed a small snowball and rolled it over and over but it didn't get any bigger. So, that was disappointing. We got sick during the time when it snowed heavily and couldn't get out of the house to make a snowman. This winter we didn't get to enjoy the snow. Oh, well, we have to see if we can make a snowman next year. For now I'll share a picture of Hannah our little one and me that my husband snapped while we tried to make a snowman. The picture was taken in our backyard. I tried to throw snowballs at Tiana but she didn't like it...LOL. She wasn't in the mood to play I guess. It's too bad my husband is not patient with taking more pictures; I only have one picture to share here.
Make money the easy way
I could definitely use extra money. This is why I do all I can to make money online whenever possible. In this tough economy we could all use some help. So, for those of you looking for money making sidelines let me share something that may be able to help you earn extra money. If you have a computer you can get paid for doing the simplest things online. What I am referring to is visit websites, read e-mail ads, and refer your friends to join you which will earn you Some extra allowance . You get paid for doing such easy tasks. If you are a stay at home mother like me, it would be a perfect opportunity for you for sure. Now there you have it, be sure to take advantage of all the money making opportunities you can find online. Join me in such endeavor and I can assure you will make money in no time. It may not be a lot but it accumulates.
Volvo and Saab Auto Parts
Finding auto parts can be difficult, especially if you are on a tight budget. Sometimes though if you go too cheap you get exactly what you paid for. We have had that happened to us and it is a waste of money. So, when you buy auto parts, you should always go for the quality and, of course, consider the price to be fair. Now do you need auto parts? This is for those who own a Volvo or Saab vehicle. If you are looking to find affordable yet quality auto parts for either of those types of vehicles, let me share the website where there are Volvo and Saab Parts available in stock. However, if by any chance you are unable to find the parts you need, you are most welcome to contact a specialist as the supplier offers toll free sales and support line as well as e-mail support. By the way, if your order is at least $50 you will get free UPS ground shipping Keep in mind though that the free shipping is for customers located within the lower 48 states only.
We need a water softener
My family and I avoid drinking faucet water as much as possible because we are afraid that it might not be clean enough for us to drink. We are not only skeptical about it not being safe to drink but we also dislike it because we could smell the chlorine in it. So, my husband made it a point to only drink bottled water. We buy gallons of water for our drinking water which costs a lot of money. Indeed it is costly because we go through so many gallons of water every month. However, maybe we can look into getting a water filtration system that has a way to make our faucet water taste natural and chemicals free. I think I found what we need and that is this new cost effective Water Softener which will deliver clean water throughout our entire home. We would like that, especially when we have small children. We worry about them firsthand, that is why we want to make sure that the water we drink is safe to drink. I have got to tell my husband about such water filtration system, so he won't have to spend too much money buying gallons and gallons of drinking water anymore. It would help us save a tremendous amount of money if we can start drinking our faucet water. By the way, for those of you who are using costly water filters, you should see about it as well. You don't even have to use different water filters for your faucets because it is installed to work throughout your entire home. You can be sure that your water is clean and safe to drink. Your water will have NO Salt, NO Chemicals or Magnets and is Maintenance Free. There is no need for you bother with the maintenance, so how convenient. I would say it is the kind of water filtration system worth looking into.
Chris Brown and Rihanna Fenty
I am hearing a lot of people talking about Chris Brown and Rihanna Fenty. They are back together again after what happened. Perhaps it is because of the LOVE that they feel for each other. My! People do foolish things when they are in love indeed. Take it from Chris Brown and Rihanna Fenty because in spite of everything that went on, their love seem to have conquered all, or so it seem anyway. If it is not love, then it would have something to do with saving Chris Brown, being that he is subjected to a 4 year prison time. I mean he is in serious trouble and as a well known celebrity, he couldn't possibly just waste 4 years; spending it in jail. Also, aside from that, some people are speculating that Rihanna could be pregnant. So, who knows? They even said that they might have gotten hitched already for Chris's sake...LOL. Anything for you baby love! Whoa! Oh...well, hopefully they will be able to settle their differences for good. So far, it looks like they are trying. No one knows yet what can happen between them. Everything I heard is out of speculations and so, let's see what's next. I just wish them both well and for Rihanna to learn her lesson not to get in such violent argument, again; otherwise she could get it worse. Goodness, most young people have bad tempers. And with Chris Brown, he needs to get a hold of himself because what a waste for him to be throwing his career out the window. He is so young and he should be taking advantage of the time to make money instead of ruining his reputation, which is, of course, smeared now. Although there is a saying that goes "No news is good news". Can a bad publicity actually help? Not to me! But then the loyal fans are willing to stick by their beloved super star idols. By the way, I think Chris Brown and Rihanna Fenty are good looking. I like Rihanna's sharp features, she is really very pretty.
Real Property Management
You are definitely hands free if you don't need to go through all the hassles that involved managing your rental property. So, if you have a rental property, you are better off hiring a management company to help you. It is really a lot safer because you can avoid the time consuming paper work, any legal issues that your tenants/renters could hit you up with, etc. My husband has been through it and I can tell you, he prefers it that he doesn't get involved with the management part. I heard that it is practical to hire a management company that only deals with management alone, like Real Property Management that specializes in the management of single family homes, multi-unit apartment buildings, and homeowner’s associations. However, it is best to consider all the options available for you, so you won't end up losing money. You see, hiring the wrong management company can only mean you will lose money. Therefore, you should do your homework.