I wanted to talk about getting a digital camera, but right now I want to share a little about a deal I found online. It is about the Thanksgiving sale on a Nikon long-range shooting system, which is only available through Sunday. It is for all the hunters out there interested in being able to shoot their targets from a far with the most efficient way possible. I am sure not too many hunters can resist. Indeed, if you happened to be a hunter and reading this (or, if you are looking for a perfect gift to give to someone you know who is a hunter), you might want to take advantage of this Nikon BDC Slam Hunter's Package which will save you almost $150.00 dollars. Now if you do decide to get it, you will be helping yourself with increasing your long-range shooting skills. Anyway, if to say I know someone who is hunter in my family, I would want to see about it, too. Nikon is an excellent brand when it comes to cameras and yes, for such long-range shooting system (or binoculars). Alright, you be sure to hurry in, so you won't miss the Thanksgiving deal available today!
The hunter's ultimate package deal
We have a lot to be thankful for
It's time to give thanks once again, peeps! Happy Thanksgiving!!! Well, I must say that this year we have a lot to be thankful for. Unlike the last few years; I've been a little depressed because of what happened to my uncle. I took it the hard way as I am sentimental and quite emotional. It's not easy to lose a loved one especially to a heinous murder-there is no justice either. However, I am only getting stronger and becoming a better person with everything that happens in my life each year. I learn from my own observations. Also having been a victim of cyber bullying, taught me so much about how other people operate and that they are not always what they seem on the surface. What happened to my uncle is a clear example that people can fake you out, because he became a victim. I don't know how people can manage faking themselves like that, literally making someone believe they are something when they are not. Someone who can do that is referred to as "The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing." Anyway, overall I would say that we are lucky to still be alive and well. There is nothing like having a sound good health because that is our wealth. So being alive is what we can always be thankful for.
1. One of the two big things that we can be thankful for this year; is seeing our baby girl walk without any problem. She knows just how to compensate her short leg so she can walk more balanced. Oh, she is so brilliant and she never seizes a moment to amaze us every day. She definitely proved the Doctors that looked at her leg; dead wrong. They went from wanting to amputate her foot to her whole leg (for she would not be able to walk and jump-as far as they are concerned), but we never hesitated to say "NO". Now it paid off and we are absolutely so thankful that we didn't listen to them who supposedly know better. The pros don't always know what they are talking about, that is why we have to hold our ground and stick to what we believe in. Give time a chance, because things can change in ways we least expect. We can never be so sure especially in a case where something can change or that we can make adjustments. So, yes, we are so happy to see our little girl enjoying everything she comes upon to discover. All she needs is to have her leg straighten and lengthen, and hopefully nothing will go wrong to hinder her from ever walking again.2. Another big thing we can be thankful for is being able to help improve the living situation of my family back home. We bought a nice size house for them. If you would like to see the house, you can visit my Shopping Blog because I posted a few pictures there. Now that is a one big leap we took because we didn't want to see our family go back to our farm or the nearby village. They couldn't keep renting either because it is difficult to keep going from one house to another. It is also because my siblings are going to school in the city. So that is why we decided to finally buy a house. Why throw money in the black hole by renting when we don't have to-like what my family figured...LOL. Nothing beats living in the big city anyway, for that is where the fun is! I know so very well that it is more fun in the city. My family is really thankful and proud to have a house in the big city. They are enjoying what the city life has to offer. They have everything now. We are very much set for now.
Customized christmas party invitations
Speaking of finding some of the best custom designed christmas party invitations; I found a website with a huge selection to offer. I think you will like the website I am telling you about, because of the creative designs and the great prices. You can find the right invitation cards for you and even have them customized to your liking. Indeed the graphic artists can custom design your invitation cards. I don't think you can find that kind of deal elsewhere.
As for us, we love celebrating the holidays as well. So we could use those christmas party invitations for inviting some of my husband's family members over this Christmas. I will have to look around for a certain design or better yet I want ours custom designed. We enjoy having a family-gathering or a get-together-party and the holidays just couldn't be more perfect for it. The holidays can bring a family together.
By the way, I am sure that since it will be Christmas soon. You might be looking for some neat christmas party invitations. Well, if you do, you are in luck because the website has you covered. There are different well designed invitation cards for you to choose from. In fact, you can also find many other party invitations like for celebrating a birthday, baby shower, wedding, graduation, and more; even labels and stickers. You will be surprised what you can find when you log on to the website. It is the right place to be if you want to see retro whimsy designs!
This is for all the bloggers playing with fire
Do you know that you are liable for making false allegations or accusing someone of something that may not be true? Yes, if you out there seems to enjoy harassing other bloggers; be warned that you can get into serious trouble. You could pay a fine if to say the blogger decides to take legal action against you. Nothing is impossible if you have violated the law even online. All it takes is for a forensic computer expert to find out who you really are, you know. Nothing can pass those who know the way to trace your steps. You can discuss and argue your point without having to actually go to the extreme of literally hitting people below the belt. So always remember that there is no excuse for ignorance in court! You see, publicly humiliating someone even if true could cost you a serious amount of money. You can be sued for "Slander" or "Defamy" when you are hurting them socially or mentally. That is why you must better be very careful. Although you can comment anonymously all you want, you will still never get away. You can run but you can't hide! This is America where you will be punished soon enough if you step out of line.
By the way, how dare you accuse us of something so asinine!!! Did you ever-for a moment-consider that we have children to worry about? My children are my top priority which is why I have been so patient all these years. Indeed, they come first with me. I did not even want to go back home for a visit without them, or unless they are old enough for me to feel secure that they will be alright without me. Now matters such as what you are accusing us of, is playing with fire; very dangerous. It would be a Federal Offense, and just who on earth would want to spend the rest of their lives behind bars anyway? Moreover, we love life and enjoy living it up. Life is much too precious to waste it over nothing. Money might be part of what makes people happy, but it is nothing as far as I am concerned if compared to my family. It is only material and it can be earned anytime I wish to do so. I don't worry about money as I am more worried about my children and their well being. That is simply impossible for people to do something unlawful if they have children. It is way out of the question and not even worth talking about.
I tell you, opening your big mouth could cost you one of these days especially when you hit the wrong person. Anyway, I hope that you guys learned your lessons as well as I have knowing that there are so many people up to no good online. Let this experience be an example of what can happen. If this isn't a lesson learned for you to never cause any more trouble in the future, then you will be sorry. If you don't try to watch your step you might just stumble and fall, because surprise it's too late! That is why you should think twice the next time you feel like bringing somebody else down. You just never know if someone will take you to the cleaner-it could take all that you have. It is not worth it, okay? Take my words for it, but if you decide to continue your wrong doing please make certain that it won't cost you.
Get your holiday wish with a layaway plan
Make your holiday wish come true by purchasing an item through a layaway plan. It is the best way to get the item you really like if you don't have the money to be able to pay for it right away. Here is how it works; you can pick an item of your choice, pay for it little by little (like every 2 weeks) within the amount of time you are given (usually 8 weeks), then when it's paid it off it's finally yours. Well, it is the best way for you to afford the item you would like to have if you don't have the extra money for it. In doing so, you are saving yourself from having to pay the interest that your credit card will charge you. So isn't that nice? I like that idea especially when I find a lot of things when I go shopping. We like to shop at Kmart because of the reasonable prices and I think this holiday season I will help myself with getting a new set of jewelry. I will be taking advantage of the Kmart Layaway for the Holidays. I don't like to have to wait around and then end up disappointed because the item I have been eyeing on disappeared. Now how about you out there, do you know that you can do the same? Go ahead, check it out! Spare yourself the disappointment. Doesn't it hurt your feelings when you see something you like so bad; you can only wish to have it? Well, with layaway, you won't have to feel sorry for yourself because you can always afford anything in the store.
Verbally attacked for my opinions
I noticed lately that since I have been paying more and more attention as to what is happening in the U.S.A-where I am now residing, conservative people are getting aggressive; verbally lashing out on me. My post about "Seeing Things My Way" triggered some of them to go to the extent where I am being told what to do. Someone anonymously said to me that I should "shut up and just Trust God", because I "only like Barack Obama for his eloquent speeches." Apparently I must have been hypnotized with my eyes rolling and gone coco; knocked out...LOL. It's hard for me to believe that some of those who claim to be religious would do just what they are not supposed to do according to the bible (can't judge for only God has the power to do so). Just like with what my mother and I discussed about that there are religious people who would not hesitate to kill/commit murder/crime because they think God will forgive them as long as they repent afterwards. Now that is disturbing and yes, very scary. It is causing the people that don't share the same belief to be miserable as they are being forced to believe in God and live by the book; bible. That is how it is looking and now some people are fighting against that especially in California where same sex marriage have been banned. By the way, I had my share reading all the things that have been said by a professional; psychiatrist that liberal people are clinically insane...LOL-literally indicating that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have a disorder for their liberal principles...LOL. But hey, I also happened to find an article in contrary. I mean not quite but exactly what I consider a good counter reply and it is entitled "Republican Party and its Supporters: Immoral, Backwards and Ruining the United States." I tell you, I really had a kick out of reading the articles written by people belonging to both parties; Republican; Conservatives and Democratic; Democrats. I am learning the difference between the two parties and since I am now an American, too. I will have to pay attention and choose what is best for my family and me and the people (around me) not only in America but in the world.
As for being judged because I am not as highly educated as those of you who have gone to college and finished school. Well, I personally couldn't conclude my intellectual ability and manners by simply basing how far I've gone to school. It is absolutely not fair to conclude that you are better than I am just because you were able to continue going to school and earned a degree. Does that give you the right to say that you are better and smarter than I am because you stepped foot in college and now a working citizen? If that is all it takes, surely I can do the same-it is only a matter of having the money and effort to make it. Now, should that also make my siblings better than I am because they finished school; gone to college and have graduated, working, can drive and have their driver's license? Not to me, they are all the same to me except that they were able to further their education. So, yep, should I compete with them just to prove that I am not below them? I don't think so, as it doesn't require an education to be able to see and think for myself. I may not know anything about what other people (like you) do at work, but when it comes to life in general, hey I am human too. You need to realize that there are people who may not have been able to afford the certificate to hold a job that can read between the lines. Now may you leave us alone! We like Barack Obama and that is that. You are only having a bad time because he won and that you are a conservative Republican. If you are supposed to be well educated, why stoop down to my level then that is only a high school level? How low can you possibly get to assume and judge people by their educational attainment? Isn't that going a little too far if you consider yourself to be above everybody else? You have the nerve, and you actually wasted time arguing with me who couldn't get your point anyway since you are too smart for me to understand. You obviously don't have the face for your true nature which is why you have to hide by commenting anonymously. All you are doing is tell people that you are nothing but a phony. Shame on you ha! If you can't stand me, I can’t stand you either, okay? It makes it doubly hard for me to put up with people like you who can be so ignorant indeed. Don't compare yourselves to me and I am not about to do what you do to be among you. I am my own person and will do what is best for my family and me.
P.S. Nobody is telling you to shut up, so it would help if you can mind your own beeswax eh. My headache is worse.
Great prices on holiday eyeglasses frames
One of the best things about the holidays is that people can find so many deals whether they shop online or at their local stores. Shopping online saves a lot of money though, because there is no need for the middle man to cost extra money. That is why sometimes we prefer to shop online. In fact, speaking of deals, I found a website with loads of holiday deals on prescription glasses. Now if you are someone who wishes for a new pair of eyeglasses, you can certainly get one that you can easily afford. There is a huge selection for you to choose from and better yet, you can even find Holiday frames to suit your needs for this holiday season. So there you go, be sure to take advantage of the holiday offer so you can save money. By the way, there is no middle man so you save more by shopping at such website. You could also give someone a pair for a gift. I think that is something useful to give to someone this holiday season. Those frames are well designed and someone would be happy to receive a pair. I know that if I have the money I would want to purchase a few pair of eyeglasses for my grandmother and parents back home.
Why Filipinas are marrying Western men
It's been a talked-about that Filipinas; are marrying western (old) men for money/opportunity, but we all know that people simply can't generalize. Now here let me share my thoughts on that. It's humiliating to think that the general public look at us; as if we only married our husbands for money. Well, let's just say that we all have our ways of going about our business. Basically with me, I married my husband because I knew that I would have a better life-in the process be able to help my family back home as well-and so would my children to have a better future being fathered by someone who is much more capable and responsible (this Filipina 202 is a good article about my point). You see I have seen a number of bad examples at home that I was afraid I would wind up in the same boat. Anyway, we can't deny the fact that most people are new to the idea of a young woman having an old husband. It is taboo; I mean considered out of the ordinary. So, that is why it hurts when people are judging. I know it feels bad. However, with me I am only being honest especially with my husband since we obviously did not start off being in love with each other. I see it as love can grow when given a chance between two people that met through correspondence. And, of course, we grow to love our husbands once we are with them-that is if they treat us right.
As for my husband, he stated that being married to western men in which we don’t have to work so hard for what we have (unlike when they were younger that they worked around the clock to have what they have now) is in a way just like receiving benefits. It is being looked at the same way that we are on Social Security by having our husbands provide for us and help our family back home. That is what he was getting at, only he went on to an extent where he sounded personal to you (Rissa and Jen R.). Our situation has been perceived by so many people particularly in the Western world as a way for us to have a better life. Some Filipinas can only voice out their thoughts anonymously, that they married their husbands for a better life (or so to escape poverty) because they didn't love their husbands at first like what I read on this BLOG Post and I found different opinions on this FORUM. I understand that love can not only be found in our country, but there are people who think that it is simply a lie because of the downside: that we start sending money back home on a daily basis. So people think we would be in denial if we have to dispute that. No matter what we say, they rule it as “action speaks louder than words.” We can’t really reason with them who are seeing our marriage as a “business arrangement”. We don’t have to say anything for them to otherwise judge and in this Western Men & Filipinas Forum you'll read so many people doing exactly what I am talking about.
From what I can understand, a lot of western men who are married to Filipinas are complaining about how hard it is to manage supporting the whole family because they wound up marrying their wives' entire family, too. "I am finding out that it is harder on us Filipinas though because it is very rare that a husband would agree with supporting our family back home for who knows how long. Perhaps for as long as our people are alive, but only if we allow them to become dependent-I think we are trapped there." So many things has happened in the past and still going on up to this day that we can no longer get through to people with fixed opinions. The "YOUNG FILIPINO GIRLS MARRY OLD MEN FOR VISAS" have been polluting our reputation. Arguing against what people call the “truth/fact” is simply impossible. Although I must say that I am opposed to what some people do; generalizing because it is wrong. I know that we all married our husbands in different ways and with different reasons, and with me; I am just being truthful. I let my husband know firsthand that I wanted a better life, so I chose him (as he needed a better wife and I needed a better life...LOL) and as a result; it is a trade off with us. My husband and I are upfront, so we tell it like it is. We both entered our marriage with good intentions. By the way, I actually share the thought of a Filipina on this topic "WHY MANY FILIPINAS PREFER TO MARRY OLDER WESTERN MEN" because indeed they are more honest and open-minded.
Great prices on auto ac parts
It pays to shop around because you always save money and that is if you are that smart of a shopper to actually take time. Now if you are looking for a deal on air conditioning compressor, I found just the website that has a large selection to offer you. Free shipping is even available, so you can actually save money shopping online. I know I get to save money when I shop online because there are no tucked-on costs, which is why I save money a lot more than when I go to the retail stores to shop here and also waste money on gas. Anyway, let me go back to you looking for a/c compressor. If you are looking for quality, the website I am telling you about has you covered. You can even get this Toyota AC Compressor at a discount price. Perhaps you are looking to find great prices on BMW or Mercedes AC compressor? Well, the website can help you for sure. So there you go; be sure to visit the website for some high quality ac auto parts being sold at the prices you would normally not expect to find around. By the way, the site promises that "All compressors come with a full warranty and free shipping." How nice! We could also use a new ac compressor, and so, we'll keep the website in mind. It gets so hot and humid over the summer here you know.
My husband wishes to end the nonsense
My husband has been insulted by what my fellow Filipinas said about the new president and for saying that the Government is “stealing money from the rich and give it to the poor.” So when my husband heard about that, he felt that he needed to voice out his opinion as well (he wrote about it on his blog but took it off to avoid further escalation). Moreover, he is also one of the many Americans who worked hard all their lives to earn a living and the “Social Security”. That is why he wrote trying to explain what the U.S.A. Government is doing and defended Barack Obama that people shouldn’t be saying what they say especially when they have no proof. Some of you “fear for America because you think Barack Obama is a Muslim and a terrorist”-people can read between the lines you know. That is why he tried hard to make you understand, but the result is you just couldn’t understand it. The Democratic Party is in favor of the unfortunate; that the Democrats understand the fact that people could not work for the rest of their lives. And that most of all when they become ill being old or become disabled, which is why the “Social Security and Unemployment Insurance” benefits was created in the first place-it serves as an insurance policy for them.
My husband thought of us Filipinas to be the firsts to know what it’s like to be struggling trying to survive in this world knowing where most of us came from. So he expected us to fully understand it since we lived it. In turn you threw things at him that he felt it was insulting for you to do so-my husband only responded the way you guys made him feel. My husband is standing up for his rights being one of the many retirees (being under attack as lazy relying on handouts as if they didn't earn it) living on Social Security Income, because they worked hard to put in for their retirement. I don't see anything wrong with that or even look at it as so hard to understand. Anyway, for so you learn what it does, you should see about how you can earn yours by reading "How Credits are earned". You can plan your retirement and if you do well with putting in for it; you will have a comfortable life later when you are no longer able to hustle and bustle to keep up with the demand for younger workers, or when nobody wants to hire you for a job anymore because you should be retired. When we reach old age we’ll find it out for ourselves, and only then we’ll know what it means to have a Social Security Income coming in every month. Remember the more you earn the more you will receive someday, cool isn't? How nice though for those who manages to continue to work because they have more extra money. The only problem is; those of you who think it is stealing are just not getting it, why the American Government is providing its people financial benefits. Actually we have the same thing back home, and my father will be claiming his Social Security benefit soon, too. Now my husband wishes to not go on with such discussion any longer because it is becoming dirty. However, I will post the next topic about Filipinas marrying old western men, next.
Intervention is needed with irresponsible people
This topic reminds me of the girl (I saw on TV) who could not get over her drug addiction. She also abused alcohol and asked people for it. So she had to have intervention, and you know I felt really bad for her family because they were the ones that sacrificed a lot. You see she became irresponsible, so her family had to pay for everything; she was definitely a burden. She was really unruly. In fact, she even chose to go to jail rather than to go to an accommodating drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. That was awful, but I hope that she recovered; although it seemed impossible because of her unwillingness to change. Well, anyway if you know someone who could use some help with going to a rehab, you should do what you can to help. It is important that you take action right away because drug and alcohol abuse can ruin a person's life. That is why we must be responsible, always. There are so many rehab facilities with experts standing by ready to help you or your loved one recover.
Bias media and banning gay marriage issues
I have been watching the Fox News Channel from time to time to see if it is indeed "Fair and Balanced". Well, from what I can understand it is quite slanted as it does not live up to its mantra. So, you are right peeps, the media is bias indeed. I try to watch different News Channels and so far I can conclude that the Fox News Channel often has people that are mostly for the conservative Republicans. I guess I share Rosie O'Donnell's opinion there that Fox News is slanted propaganda. Bill O'Reilly alone can prove that since (more often than not) could not let someone finish his/her sentence...LOL. I was just watching him today discussing about "Same Sex Marriages" and wow, he didn't even let the guy speak up in the closing argument. He was siding with the religious people as he had the last words.
Anyway, you can't really follow your heart with people being so technical and critical. However, I always believe that sometimes there are things that require you to think with your heart instead of your head alone. Just like with gay people, I can understand them and know how they must feel being treated like an outcast. They are what they are inside and out; they feel it, they live it, and will die what they were born with. So, for me they should be entitled to equal rights. People are being so unfair. Why can't they be themselves? It is really ridiculous that people are imposing their belief on others like that, because obviously the majority that voted for banning Gay Marriage are religious people. That is why both gay and religious people are protesting and who knows if there will be riots soon. As far as I am concerned; I really have nothing against gay people. I am the kind of person that lets people be themselves. For me, if what they are doing makes them happy then go for it as long as no one gets hurt. I have no problem with gay people getting married because it is their choices. They just want to be happy you know just like everyone else. It is only wrong according to the bible after all but since we don't live in the bible, I couldn't see why people have to live against their will. Now will others that don't share the same belief have to live under the rules of the bible? There are so many religions and even Gods but Christian is seemed to be the dominating one-that is from what I can see. That makes people feel like they are in Jonestown...LOL.
Up for grabs many quality blog pictures
When it comes to making a story interesting we all prefer it to at least have a picture included. Pictures make a story come alive. That is why children prefer to open a book with loads of pictures to see. However, online it is a different story because you can't just assume something unless it is credited to whom it is due. Indeed you can't always just go ahead and collect pictures to share on your blog/website without obtaining the owner's permission-that is unless you are certain that they are for free taking. What I mean is they are not protected by a copyrighted law. You see a lot of people have been sued for grabbing pictures that don't belong to them and for sharing stories that are not theirs. Those who know better; never share a story without the author's written consent at hand, as there is no excuse for ignorance in court. Now nobody wants that which is why somebody thought of a way around it, or so to avoid getting in trouble for plagiarism with web-contents. Let me share it with you. As a blogger I always want to make my post interesting by adding a picture but sometimes I just don't have the time to go through all the hassles involved; editing, resizing, etc. So do you know that there is a website that offers great quality blog pictures up for grabs? Well, if you haven't you should check it out because you are definitely missing the benefits that come with being able to share pictures on your blog/site without worrying that you are infringing. I tell you that is the way to blog! It is so convenient because all you have to do simply copy and paste the code in adding a picture to your post. See the picture below for an example.
The website that provides help and advice for Carers
Caring for a loved one properly is very important because that can mean life or death. I am learning that not only because I have small children, but because I have a grandmother who recently suffered a stroke. I tell you, a proper guidance from the experts is really life saving. A motherly instinct is not enough because there are too many risks involved. That is why always try to seek the help of the professionals like Doctors who are offering help and advice online. Now I am talking about doing a research on things you need to know in order to make something work not only efficiently but also effectively. You see here is this website; The Carer that has so much to offer in terms of providing people the helpful information they need in caring for their loved ones the right way. The website is for everybody that has to take care of both the elderly and young children, whether sick or not. So be sure to get in the know as to taking the necessary steps to prevent a tragedy. Indeed learn what you can to properly care for not only your loved ones but even neighbors. We all know that it is "better to be safe than sorry" and so, be more prepared for the unexpected. You won't have any trouble if you know what to do.
GoDaddy.com for reasonable domains

When it comes to getting a domain name whether for a business or personal needs, I try to shop around so I can find a good deal. Now you know, one of the domain registrars that I think offers some of the best deals, is GoDaddy.com. I bought a domain there and when I had trouble getting my domain name set up, I reached for the customer service and someone helped me right away. That was great and I was satisfied with how quick the customer service is working to make sure that the customers are well taken care of. You won’t have to wait for days because help is always available 24/7. I also like the fact that there are always sale on domains and web hosting packages there. Right now you can even buy a domain for only $1.99. So that is a deal and that is why I bought a domain there. Anyway, perhaps you are looking to find a domain within your budget; GoDaddy.com has you covered, even provide you a blog if you need one. You can find reasonable packages on web hosting there for sure, so be sure to see about the deals you can find at GoDaddy.com. It is where most people like to purchase their domains and get their website presence.

The way I see things is my way
I have read people speaking out about how wrong the Democratic Policies are because it is "stealing money from those who worked so hard for it." Well, I thought I should also speak up in contrary since I don't agree with what they are saying. We all have disagreements really and so I want to share my two cents here. You see, I have seen so many people suffered in the past and still as we speak they are struggling; worrying how they are going to survive since they couldn't find a job. If there are no jobs around, and if there is no help available, common sense will tell us that they would simply starve to death-that is if they can't manage to steal or commit crimes and/or they couldn't bring themselves to beg people for money or food to be able to get by everyday while they have no job. America used to be full of opportunities but not anymore since the creation of NAFTA. It's a good thing that there is a so called "Unemployment Insurance" and "Social Security" benefits in which you can work while you are an able-bodied individual and claim it at a later age and be able to live life like you should especially when you are hanging on to the last chapter of your life. The temporary financial assistance is really helpful in terms of supplementing your income while you are out of work. It helps you to get by until you get another job (some people can only live paycheck to paycheck because not everyone can afford to be Doctors that makes whopping big bucks...LOL). That is the beauty of being an American and living in America; everyone is taken care of. Nobody is left out in the cold to starve and die-Americans are compassionate people. It has been proven by the products that Wal-Mart sells-I heard-everything is made in China...LOL. There is no business owner that would not like that idea as imagine they can make more money by employing people who will work as hard as the Americans only they can be paid less than the Americans-that is what happened. Now speaking of "Tax Break" for low income families and what it means. I just couldn't consider it stealing because I look at it as if "we are in a classroom where we normally have classmates that are slow learners in which we are required to help tutor them, teach them to be able to catch up to us that are way ahead." Therefore in my opinion; the Government is only taking necessary steps to prevent a catastrophe such as extreme poverty to the point where people especially children starves to death (like what is happening in the third world)-even when collecting cans is possible...LOL. It's like they say "It's better to be safe than sorry" kinda situation that a safety measure must be taken in order to be prepared-it serves as a safety net. By the way, let's not forget that the Republicans also have their own way of doing it, that according to what I've heard; they operate just the opposite...LOL. That is all, because it is as simple as that to me since we all have different levels of intelligence. Perhaps I am just not getting it...ahohoy! So if I sound foolish to you, I couldn't blame you for we all see things in a different light. It is like running for president after all wherein we win some and lose some; we can't win or please everybody. Anyway, I guess I have democratic principles because I am liberal. I am not as conservative as my fellow Filipinas anymore ever since I left home. In addition to that I am no longer under the influence of my people (speaking of my family) that are deeply religious and live by the book. I am just my own person. I usually have trouble pairing up the real things and the imaginary things. They somehow don't go together to me-that is from how I see them.
As for the abortion issue that Barack said "Babies are punishment". Well, below is one of the good answers I found so far that somebody said on YouTube.
"Punished; Having a hard time taking care of a baby, most likely dropping out of school and since you guys don't have a working welfare state, she must most likely work 2-3 jobs and hire a nanny to help her.
And that has nothing to do with being a Christian, except if you mean "American Christian" I.E. Not Christian, but Stupid."
Abortion is like drugs, people will do it even if it is made illegal. The fact that most people are Christian they still can't impose their belief on other people who may have a completely different belief. Technically it is none of our business what somebody decides to do with his/her body even life. It is not a one-size fits all. Sure, it is wrong to us who looks at it wrong, but since we are not in their situation, we just couldn't do anything. Life is all about the choices we make and we are what we choose to be. Indeed, just like what the saying goes "Life is not full of DOs and DON'Ts but it is full of your own choices." Alright then, I am done with this topic, peace to everyone! We all can see and think for ourselves further more "Only we know what is best for us", so let's try to do the right thing eh. For those of you who are religious that believes in the man upstairs, may I remind you that if "It is not God's will" no matter what people do, wherever they may be, etc. nothing will happen at all because it is believed that "everything is in God's hand". So, think of it as even when the person say do this and do that, nothing will happen if God does not allow it. That is to reassure you that there is no need for you to be disgusted about what someone thinks or will do for only God have the power to make things happen and every baby even fetus were put on earth because it is by God's will, then I couldn't see why people should worry. So always remember that you have God, and, course, trust God because nothing is above him is he exists.
P.S. I just happened to like the Democratic Policies better.
Medifast Diet coupons for saving money
It's all about saving money on diet pills. That is since weight issue is so common nowadays because most of us like to eat hamburger...LOL-we're among the many. We don’t really think about how eating fatty foods can put weight on us as long as they taste good. Now it's a good thing that diet pills and other weight lose solutions are so easy to find and that we can always find a way to save money. What I mean is if we take time to look around and shop online. There are so many sites with loads of money saving deals to offer such as like the Medifast Diet coupons for people looking to find diet pills at discounted prices. Couldn't we all use some help especially that the economy is weak? Well, almost everybody I know is struggling, so every bit of help would count. Who doesn't want to save money anyway? The best way to save money sometimes is by shopping online because there is no middle man to cost you extra money. Further more you get to avoid driving all over the place and waste money on gas. So how convenient it is to be able to shop right at the comfort of your home. To top it off, you get to find discount codes that can save you even more money. In addition, there are sites that offer free shipping on all your orders which alone is helping people save big money. Indeed you are saving at least half of what you would normally pay if you shop at the retail stores. What a deal!
The new era was born and yes we can!!!
It didn’t even turn out as what I thought it would be, going by the numbers in my dream because Barack Obama scored much higher. So wow, I was really surprised! The 2008 election certainly made history as for the very first time ever; it broke the racial barrier across the world. It gave everyone especially the people of color; a sense of relief, since it opened the door for racial equality. Now everybody will have equal chance at the opportunities that America offers. Barack Obama definitely said it all during his speech and last night at long last; the “American Dream” came true. Barack made it happen for not only Martin Luther King Jr. but for everybody…hooray!!! The minority never thought such a DAY would come, because it just seemed impossible, but finally the racial barrier has been broken…yahooh!!! The whole world is so proud of America because the new era was born where “People live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” So indeed this is a new day. Yes we can…let the freedom ring!!!
By the way, for those of you who have doubts about Barack Obama. All I can say based on how I see him not just because of his inspiring words but because of the man that he appears to be; confident, intelligent, and diplomatic is that...I just couldn’t imagine him putting his beloved family on the line; for his own selfish reasons-whatever it may be that you are obviously thinking. Barack Obama to me projects an image that he is a man of integrity and usually a man of his caliber would not risk losing everything that he holds dear in his heart. In fact, he will rise to change not just America but the world. He won’t seize the moment to make his fellow citizens proud. This is the chance to give way for change to prove that America is the nation of all nations; the land of people from all over the world!!! I am actually glad that Barack Obama won it and that only confirmed my dream about him "leading in the race for the white house" is true. I said in my YM status that “Barack Obama will win it!!!” It’s amazing that my premonition about him coming out a winner would actually happen…whoa! Barack Obama as some of us speculate could become one of the greatest presidents of all time if not the greatest of them all. He's got the potential and that is a start. So I give him the benefit of the doubt to prove himself worthy of his position as the United States of America's Commander in Chief.
Customizable Holiday Photo Cards
The computer really has so much to offer in terms of finding things we don't normally find just anywhere. Well, it is just like with me finding a number of neat things online that offer better alternatives to the things I find plain and ordinary. What I mean is; there are things that can be enhanced by adding our personal touches to them. Moreover, having the opportunity to customize something is always a lot of fun. It is just like the Holiday Photo Cards that we can now find online that are available for us who may be looking to convey our warm greetings to everyone we care about this holiday season. Personally, I think that it is a great way to reach out to my people back home because I can use our family photo and add our very own personal message. So that might be what I'll look into doing as that will mean so much more than just sending a regular card. I know if I receive a card with my loved ones' picture on it, I would appreciate it because my family means the world to me. Anyway, for those of you who feel the same, you should see about getting some for your family and friends as well. Make it meaningful to keep in touch with them by including your picture and your very own greetings. It matters if the contents of the card came from you-expressed right from the heart.
It's Election Day!!!
It's finally Election Day and you know we are all excited about who's going to win it. My husband is anxious because this is it, the most awaited day to find out who our new president will be. Oh, the anticipation...LOL. By the way, Barack Obama won in my dream; I mean he was leading with a score of 111 while John McCain scored 110-he came in second which means Barack Obama could very well come out a winner in this presidential election. According to my dream they came in so close as in neck to neck in the vote count tally-my dream was vivid enough for me to remember the details. Perhaps that is what's going to happen that John McCain won't be so far behind if indeed Barack Obama will win it. This is after all the one of a kind election in which some people vote for the candidate of their same skin-color. There is no doubt because there are still people that believe in racial superiority and so it is like "birds of a feather flock together". It kinda sad but that is what's happening, those kinds of people that think so are still around and it has been proven by a number of failed assassination attempts. What also triggered for things to get worse was also because of allegations without proof. People are so cruel and unfair; they should give someone the benefit of the doubt.
Personally, I don't mind Barack Obama to be the new president because he is not only a man of intellect but also a man of integrity as I observe him in his words and how he carries himself. He is calm and diplomatic in his ways which would help him with getting the job done smoothly. It takes a level headed person to settle things down and not by raging emotions. A lot of people think Barack Obama have what it takes to be a president for he is confident and quite charismatic. It's about time for CHANGE indeed and not more of THE SAME...yahooh!!! Anyway, let's see if my dream will come true. My dreams do foretell what the future holds and even tell me what happened in the past if there is something that I should know about. That is the beauty of having a psychic ability. I actually appreciate it because it can help me, only I already failed with my uncle. Now I vow to always treat my dreams significantly that I have to pay attention because they serve as premonitions. I can no longer ignore my dreams since a lot of very real things happened in the past because I didn't take them seriously. Alright, this is all for now. Peace to all!